versiunea română

Foundations of Athletic Training

Price: 283,50 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
ISBN: 9781451116526
Publishing Year: 2012
Edition: 5
Pages: 1024


This text integrates basic medical concepts and related scientific information to provide a strong foundation of general athletic training practices. Using a problem-solving approach to prevention, recognition, assessment, management, and disposition of sports-related injuries and diseases, this text provides athletic trainers and athletic training students with the most extensive, challenging content in a user-friendly format.

Section I: Foundations of Injury Care
Chapter 1: Injury Care and the Athletic Trainer
Chapter 2: Preparticipation Examination
Chapter 3: Protective Equipment
Chapter 4: Protective Taping and Wrapping

Section II: Injury Assessment and Rehabilitation
Chapter 5: Injury Assessment
Chapter 6: Tissue Healing and Wound Care
Chapter 7: Psychological Intervention Strategies
Chapter 8: Therapeutic Modalities
Chapter 9: Therapeutic Exercise

Section III: Conditions to the Axial Region
Chapter 10: Head and Facial Conditions
Chapter 11: Cervical and Thoracic Spinal Conditions
Chapter 12: Lumbar Spinal Conditions
Chapter 13: Throat, Thorax, and Visceral Conditions

Section IV: Upper Extremity
Chapter 14: Shoulder Conditions
Chapter 15: Upper Arm, Elbow, and Forearm Conditions
Chapter 16: Wrist and Hand Conditions

Section V: Lower Extremity
Chapter 17: Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh Conditions
Chapter 18: Knee Conditions
Chapter 19: Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot Conditions

Section VI: Systemic Conditions
Chapter 20: Cardiovascular Conditions
Chapter 21: Neurologic Conditions
Chapter 22: Respiratory Tract Conditions
Chapter 23: Gastrointestinal Conditions
Chapter 24: Endocrine Conditions

Section VII: Special Considerations
Chapter 25: Environmental Conditions
Chapter 26: Common Infectious Diseases
Chapter 27: Conditions of the Female Athlete, Disabled Athlete, and Senior Athlete
Chapter 28: Pharmacology
Chapter 29: Dermatology


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