Facelift Surgical Techniques, An Issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America

Preț: 525,00 lei
Disponibilitate: la comandă
Autor: Andrew A. Jacono
ISBN: 9780323708395
Editura: Elsevier
Anul publicarii: 2020
Pagini: 240
This issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, guest edited by Dr. Andrew A. Jacono, is devoted to Facelift Surgical Techniques. This issue is one of four selected each year by the series Consulting Editor, Dr. J. Regan Thomas. Articles in this issue include: Extended Deep Plane Facelifting, Extended SMAS Flap Rhytidectomy, Vertical Platysma Advancement Deep Plane Facelifting, Incorporating Midline Platysmaplasty with Lateral SMAS Facelifting, Subunit, Approach to Facelifting and Facial Rejuvenation, Superficial and Deep Facial Anatomy and Its Implication for Rhytidectomy Surgery, Laser Assisted Facelifting and Energy-Based Rejuvenation Techniques During Rhyrtidectomy, Incorporating Fat Grafting with Facelift Surgery, Approaches to Reducing Risk in, Rhytidectomy Surgery, Nuances in SMAS Rhytidectomy, Less Invasive SMAS Approaches in Rhytidectomy, and Local Anesthesia Facelifting.
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