versiunea română

Essential Interventional Radiology Review A Question and Answer Guide

Price: 451,50 lei
Availability: upon order - 7-14 zile
ISBN: 978-3-030-84171-3
Publishing Year: 2022
Pages: 962


The book is a question-and-answer guide to interventional radiology. This pocket resource addresses both general IR and subspecialty topics, providing accurate, on-the-spot answers. Students can read the text from cover to cover to gain a general foundation of knowledge that can be built upon when they begin their rotation or use specific chapters to review a subspecialty before starting a new rotation or joining a new service. The book begins with a general introduction to IR and its common procedures and tools, and is then organized by subspecialties (like vascular disease, oncology, and genitourinary), focusing on common conditions. The book’s two-column format provides questions on the left and answers on the right to facilitate rapid-fire review that includes many classic images to facilitate pattern recognition skills. This book is an ideal, on-the-spot reference for medical students, residents, and practicing interventional radiologists seeking fast facts on diagnosis and treatment with interventional radiology.


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