Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences

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Autor: Daroff, Aminoff
ISBN: 9780123851574
Editura: Academic Press
Anul publicarii: 2014
Ediția: 2
Pagini: 4740
The Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, Second Edition develops from the first edition, covering all areas of neurological sciences through over 1000 entries focused on a wide variety of topics in neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and other related areas of neuroscience. The contributing authors represent all aspects of neurology from many viewpoints and disciplines to provide a complete overview of the field. Entries are designed to be understandable without detailed background knowledge in the subject matter, and cross-referencing and suggested further reading lead the reader from a basic knowledge of the subject to more advanced understanding.
The easy-to-use 'encyclopedic-dictionary' format of the Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, Second Edition features alphabetic entries, extensive cross-referencing, and a thorough index for quick reference. The wealth of information provided by these four volumes makes this reference work a trusted source of valuable information for a wide range of researchers, from undergraduate students to academic researchers.
Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, 2nd Edition
1. Akathisia
2. Akinesia
3. Alien Limb
4. Apraxia
5. Asterixis
6. Ataxia
7. Ataxia Telangiectasia
8. Athetosis
9. Ballism
10. Cerebellar Disorders
11. Chorea
12. Choreoathetosis
13. Dysequilibrium Syndrome
14. Dyskinesias
15. Dystonia
16. Episodic Ataxias
17. Essential Tremor
18. Falls and Drops
19. Friedreich's Ataxia
20. Gait and Gait Disorders
21. Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome
22. Hemifacial Spasm
23. Huntington's Disease
24. Motor System, Overview
25. Movement Disorders, Overview
26. Myoclonus
27. Neuroacanthocytosis
28. Parkinsonism
29. Parkinson's Disease
30. Paroxysmal Movement Disorders
31. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)
32. Rigidity
33. Spasms
34. Startle Syndromes
35. Sydenham's Chorea
36. Tardive Dyskinesia
37. Tic Disorders
38. Writer's Cramp/Tremor
39. Acetylcholine
40. Dopamine
41. Endocannabinoids
42. GABAA Receptor Channels, Properties and Regulation
43. Neuropeptides, Overview
44. Neurotransmitter Receptors
45. Neurotransmitters, Overview
46. Nitric Oxide
47. Norepinephrine
48. Serotonin
49. Action Potential, Generation of
50. Action Potential, Regeneration of
51. Axons
52. Cardiovascular Regulation
53. Cell Adhesion Molecules (CAMs)
54. Cell Death
55. Computational Neuroscience
56. Dendrites
57. G Proteins
58. Gap Junctions
59. Hypothermia
60. Impulse Conduction
61. Ion Channels, Overview
62. Membrane Potential
63. Myelin
64. Myelin Disorders
65. Myelin Proteins
66. Nerve Roots
68. Neurons, Overview
69. Neurotrophins
70. Nicotinic Receptors
71. Plasticity
72. Smell
73. Taste
75. Amino Acid Disorders
76. Maple Syrup Urine Disease
77. Phenylketonuria (PKU)
78. Beriberi
79. Carnitine Deficiency
80. Diabetes Mellitus
81. Wilson's Disease
82. Galactosemia
83. Glycogen Storage Diseases
84. Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
85. Leukodystrophy
86. Adrenoleukodystrophy
87. Alexander's Disease
88. Canavan's Disease
89. Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease
90. Vanishing White Matter Disease (CACH Syndrome)
91. Lipidoses
92. Sjögren-Larsson Syndrome
93. Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome
94. Lipoprotein Disorders
95. Abetalipoproteinemia (ABL, Bassen-Kornzeig Disease)
96. Lysosomal Storage Disorders
97. Gangliosidoses
98. Hexosaminidase Deficiency
99. GM1 Gangliosidosis
100. Gaucher Disease
101. Fabry Disease
102. Niemann-Pick Disease
103. Krabbe's Disease
104. Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
105. Mucopolysaccharidoses
106. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinonses
107. Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies, Overview (Subacute Necrotizing, Encephalomyelopathy, Leigh Disease)
108. Oxidative Metabolism
109. Respiratory Chain Disorders
110. Alpers' Disease (Progressive Infantile Poliodystrophy)
111. Organic Acid Disorders
112. Peroxisomes and Peroxisomal Disorders
113. Porphyria
114. Rhabdomyolysis and Myoglobinuria
115. Vitamins, Overview
116. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
117. Vitamin A
118. Vitamin D
119. Abducens Nerve (Cranial Nerve IV)
120. Auditory System, Central
121. Auditory System, Peripheral
122. Balance
123. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
124. Blepharospasm
125. Cavernous Sinus Disorders
126. Diplopia and Strabismus
127. Eye Movement Recording
128. Eye Movements, Overview
129. Eye Movements, Saccades
130. Eye Movements, Smooth Pursuit
131. Eye Movements, Vergence
132. Eyelids
133. Giant Cell (Temporal) Arteritis
134. Graves' Orbitopathy
135. Hallucinations, Visual and Auditory
136. Hearing Loss
137. Horner's Syndrome
138. Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
139. Meniere's Disease
140. Visual motion and spatial perception
141. Visual colour and form perception
142. Neuroophthalmology
143. Neurotology
144. Nystagmus and Saccadic Instrusions and Oscillations
145. Oculomotor Nerve (Cranial Nerve III)
146. Ophthalmoplegia
147. Optic Chiasm and Tract
148. Optic Nerve (Cranial Nerve II)
149. Optic Nerve Disorders
150. Optokinetic Nystagmus
151. Papilledema
152. Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (CPEO)
153. Ptosis
154. Pupillary Disorders, Afferent
155. Pupillary Disorders, Efferent
156. Pupils
157. Retina
158. Tinnitus
159. Trochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve IV)
160. Vertigo and Dizziness
161. Vestibular Loss
162. Vestibular Neuritis and Labyrinthitis
163. Vestibular Reflexes
164. Vestibulocochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve VIII)
165. Visual Fields
166. Visual Loss, Cerebral
167. Visual Loss, Overview
168. Visual Loss, Transient
169. Visual System, Central
170. Optic Neuritis
171. Optical Coherence Tomography
172. Astrocytes
173. Acute Motor and Motor Sensory Neuropathy (AMAN, AMSAN, axonal variant of Guillain-Barre Syndrome);immunology of
174. Chemokines
175. Cytokines
176. Demyelinating immune neuropathies (Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, demyelinating form of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy; anti-MAG neuropathy); immunology of
177. Fisher syndrome and Bickerstaff’s encephalitis; immunology of
178. HIV infection, neurologic complications; immunology of
179. Immune System, adaptive, overview
180. Immune system, innate, overview
182. Interferons
183. Lambert-Eaton syndrome; immunology of
184. Microglia
185. Myasthenia gravis; immunology of
186. Multiple sclerosis and ADEM; immunology/basic biology
187. Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders; immunology of
188. Oligodendrocytes
189. Autoimmune Encephalitis Affecting Synaptic Proteins
190. Sarcoidosis
191. Schwann cells; immunology of
192. Vasculitis, nervous system; immunology of
193. Angiography
194. Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT), incl CTA
195. Embolization Materials in Neuroradiology
196. Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)
197. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
198. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Overview
199. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS)
200. Neuroimaging, Overview
201. Neuroradiology, Diagnostic
202. Physiological Brain Imaging
203. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
204. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
205. Therapeutic Neuroradiology, Angioplasty and Stenting
206. Therapeutic Neuroradiology, Intra-Arterial Thrombolysis
207. Ultrasound, Carotid
208. Ultrasound, Transcranial Doppler
209. Pain, Basic Mechanisms
210. Placebo effect
211. Measurement of Pain
212. Psychosocial and Demographic Factors in Pain
213. Nociceptive vs. Neuropathic Pain
214. NSAIDs, Acetaminophen
215. Antidepressant, Anticonvulsants
216. Opioids
217. Other Analgesics
218. Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Pain
219. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
220. Psychiatric and Psychological Interventions
221. Nerve and Joint Blocks/Lesioning
222. Pain, Surgical Management
223. Neuromodulation Techniques for Chronic Pain
224. Interdisciplinary Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Clinics
225. Visceral Pain
226. Arthritic Pain
227. Myofascial and Musculoskeletal Pain
228. Cancer Pain
229. Spine and Radicular Pain
230. Neuropathic Pain and its Management
231. Craniofacial Neuralgia
232. Pelvic Pain
233. Acute and Post-operative Pain
234. Pain and Dysautonomia
235. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
236. Fibromyalgia
237. Phantom Limb and Stump Pain
238. Temporomandibular Disorders
239. Pain in Infants, Children, and Adolescents
240. Pain in Older Adults
241. Pain in Infants and Persons with Cognitive Impairments
242. Pain Relief in Substance Abusers
243. Future Directions in Pain Management
244. Acrylamide
245. Acrylonitrile
246. Aluminum
247. Ammonia
248. Amphetamines
249. Anesthetics
250. Antibiotics, β-lactam
251. Anticancer agents
252. Arsenic
253. Carbon monoxide
254. Cardiac drugs
255. Chickpea
256. Cocaine
257. Cyanides
258. Dioxins
259. Domoic acid
260. Ecstasy
261. Ethanol
262. Lead
263. Manganese
264. Mercury
265. Methanol
266. MPTP
267. Neurotoxicology, overview
268. Organic solvents
269. Organophosphates
270. Paraquat
271. PCBs
272. PBDEs
273. Rotenone
274. Smoking and nicotine
275. Snake venoms
276. Tetrodotoxin
277. Antiepileptic Drugs
278. Epilepsy Treatment Strategies
279. Epilepsy, Antiepileptic Drug Profiles
280. Epilepsy, Basic Mechanisms
281. Epilepsy, Comobidity
282. Epilepsy, Diagnosis of
283. Epilepsy, Drug Treatment Principles
284. Epilepsy, Epidemiology
285. Epilepsy, Experimental Models
286. Epilepsy, Gender Issues And
287. Epilepsy, Genetics
288. Epilepsy, Overview
289. Epilepsy, Precipitating Factors
290. Epilepsy, Prognosis
291. Epilepsy, Risk Factors
292. Epilepsy, Social Consequences
293. Epilepsy, Surgery
294. Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe
295. Epileptic Seizures
296. Epileptic Syndromes and Diseases
297. Epileptogenesis
298. Febrile Seizures
299. Interictal Behavior Disturbances
300. Neonatal Seizures
301. Postictal Manifestations
302. Status Epilepticus
607. Epilepsy Pathology
303. Abulia
304. Acute Confusional State (Delirium)
305. Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
306. Acute Hemorrahgic Encephalitis
307. Agrypnia
308. Akinetic Mutism
309. Alertness (Crude Consciousness)
310. Anoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
311. Ascending Reticular Activating System (ARAS)
312. Awareness
314. Burn Encephalopathy
315. Carbon Dioxide Narcosis
316. Coma
317. Coma Scales
318. Coma, Hyperosmolar
319. Coma, Postoperative
320. Concentration
321. Concussion
322. Consicousness
323. Decerebrate Rigidity
324. Decorticate Rigidity
325. Diaschisis
326. Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)
327. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
328. Endozepines and Coma
329. Herniation Syndromes
330. Hyperglycemia and Coma
331. Hyperthermia
332. Intoxication
333. Kussmaul Breathing
334. Locked-In Syndrome
335. Penducular Hallucinosis
336. Perception and Perceptual Disorders
337. Persistent Vegetative State (PVS)
338. Psychogenic Unresponsiveness
339. Secondary Axotomy
340. Self-Awareness
341. Sensation
342. Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy
343. Sleep, Condition of
344. Stupor
346. Syncope
347. Toxic Encephalopathy
348. Uremic Encephalopathy
349. Wernicke's Encephalopathy
350. Brain Trauma, Overview
351. Bacterial Abscess, Cerebral
352. Bacterial Meningitis
353. Bartonella Infections
354. Brudzinski's Sign
355. Ehrlichiosis
356. Epidural Empyema, Cranial
357. Fungal Abscess, Cerebral
358. Fungal Meningitis
359. Kernig's Sign
360. Leprosy
361. Lyme Disease
362. Neurosyphilis
363. Rickettsial Infections
364. Subdural Empyema
365. Tabes Dorsalis
366. Tuberculosis
367. Whipple's Disease
368. PANDAS-like illnesses
369. Adenoviruses
370. AIDS/HIV and Neurological Disease
371. Arboviruses, Encephalitis Caused by
372. Borna Disease Virus
373. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
374. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
375. Encephalitis, Viral
376. Enteroviruses
377. Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)
378. Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Syndrome
379. Human Herpes Viruses
380. Human T-Lymphotropic Viruses (HTLVs)
381. Influenza Virus
382. Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV)
383. Measles Virus, Central Nervous System Complications of
384. Meningitis, Viral
385. Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML)
386. Rabies Virus
387. Rubella Virus
388. Varicella-Zoster Virus
389. Viral Vaccines and Antiviral Therapy
390. American Trypanosomiasis
391. Human African Trypanosomiasis
392. Malaria
393. Meningitis, Eosinophilic
394. Neurocysicercosis
395. Parasites and Neurological Disease, Overview
396. Schistosomiasis
397. Toxoplasmosis
398. Tropical Neurology
399. Anti-Phospholipid Antibodies
400. Anticoagulant Treatment
401. Antiplatelet Therapy
402. Basilar Artery Thrombosis
403. Brain Ischemic Edema
405. Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation
406. Cerebral Blood Flow, Measurement of
407. Cerebral Blood Vessels: Arteries
408. Cerebral Blood Vessels: Veins and Venous Sinuses
409. Cerebral Metabolism and Blood Flow
410. Cerebral Microcirculation
411. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
412. Coagulopathies and Stroke
413. Dissection, Arterial
414. Cardiac and Aortic Embolism
415. Intracerebral Hemorrage, Primary
416. Ischemic Cell Death, Mechanisms
417. Lacunar Infarcts
418. Spinal Stroke
419. Stroke Imaging/Diffusion-Perfusion MRI
420. Stroke Risk Factors
421. Stroke Units
422. Stroke, Animal Models
423. Migraine and Stroke
424. Stroke, Overview
425. Ischemic Stroke, Acute Treatment
426. Cerebral Vasculitis
427. Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome
428. Aging, Overview
429. Mental Status Testing
430. Neuropsychology, Overview
431. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
432. Autism Spectrum Disorder
433. Developmental Neuropsychology
434. Dyslexia, Developmental
435. Learning Disability: overview
436. Mental Retardation
437. Agnosia
438. Angular Gyrus Syndrome
439. Apraxia
440. Anosognosia
441. Neurocognitive Function in Patients with Autoimmune Disorders
442. Balint's Syndrome
443. Cerebrovascular disease
444. Disconnection Syndromes
445. Prosopagnosia
446. Mild traumatic brain injury
447. Transient Epileptic Amnesia
448. Transient Global Amnesia
449. Art and the Brain
450. Attention
451. Executive function
452. Eye movements
453. Memory, Autobiographical
454. Memory, Episodic
455. Memory, Explicit/Implicit
456. Memory, Overview
457. Memory, Semantic
458. Memory, Working
459. Music
460. Problem Solving
461. Social cognition
462. Spatial cognition
463. Emotions
464. Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
465. Agrammatism
466. Agraphia
467. Alexia
468. Anomia
469. Aphasia: overview
470. Language and Discourse
471. Language Disorders, Overview
472. Phonology
473. Speech Disorders, Overview
474. Handedness and Cerebral Laterality
475. Alzheimer's Disease
476. Dementia
477. Frontotemporal Dementia
478. Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Heterogeneous Neuropsychological Disorder
479. Movement disorders
480. Prions
481. Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy
482. Acoustic Neuroma
483. Brain Tumors, Biology
484. Childhood Brain Tumors
485. Glial Tumors
486. Meningiomas
487. Metastases, Brain
488. Nerve Sheath Tumors
489. Neuro-Oncology Overview
490. Paraneoplastic, Syndromes, Central
491. Pituitary Tumors
492. Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma and Germ Cell Tumors
493. Rradiotherapy and antineoplastic drugs, Neurological complications of
494. Spinal Cord Tumors, Biology of
495. Autonomic Dysreflexia
496. Autonomic Nervous System, Heart Rate, and
497. Autonomic Nervous System, Overview
498. Bladder Disorders
499. Complex Regional Pain Syndrom, Treatment of
500. Erection, Penile, Sleep-Related
501. Gastrointestinal Functions
502. Glossopharyngeal Nerve (Cranial Nerve IX)
503. Heart, Autonomic Nervous System and
504. Microneurography
505. Micturition
506. Multisystem Atrophy (MSA)
507. Orthostatic Hypotension
508. Parasympathetic System, Overview
509. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrom (POTS)
510. Quantitative Sudomotor Axon Reflex Test (QSART)
511. Respiration
512. Multiple System Atrophy
513. Sweating Disorders
514. Sympathetic System, Overview
515. Thermoregulatory Sweating
516. Vagus Nerve (Cranial Nerve X)
517. Valsalva Maneuver
518. Vasomotor Reflexes, Skin
519. Brain Mapping and Quantitative EEG
520. Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEPs)
521. Conduction Block
522. Electrocorticogram (ECOG)
523. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
524. Electroencephalographic Spikes and Sharp Waves
525. Electromyography (EMG)
526. Electronystagmogram (ENG)
527. Electroretinogram (ERG)
528. Event-Related Potentials (ERPs)
529. Evoked Potentials (EPs)
530. Filters, Analog/Digital
531. Hoffman H Reflex
532. Magnetic Stimulation
533. Magnetoencephalography
534. Motor Unit Potential
535. Nerve Conduction Studies
536. Neuromuscular Transmission Disorders
537. Polysomnography, Technique
538. Reflexes, Spinal Cord and Blink
539. Refractory Period
540. Sensory Testing, Quantitative
541. Sexual Dysfunction
542. Silent Period
543. Single-Fiber EMG
544. Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEPs)
545. Visual Evoked Potentials (VEPs)
546. Volume Conduction
1109. Motor Evoked Potentials (MEPs)
547. Actigraphy
548. Cataplexy
549. Dreaming
550. Drowsiness
551. Sleep and Epilepsy
552. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
553. Fatal Familial Insomnia
554. Hypnotics
555. Insomnia
556. Insomnia, Behavioral Treatment of
557. Jet Lag
558. Light Therapy
559. Melatonin
560. Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT)
561. Narcolepsy
562. Neuromuscular Disorders, Sleep and
563. Nightmares
564. NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep
565. Parasomnias
566. Periodic Limb Movements in Sleep (PLMS)
567. Polysomnography, Clinical
568. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep
569. REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
570. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
571. Sleep Disorders
572. Sleep Medicine, History of
573. Sleep Paralysis
574. Sleep, Effects of Aging, and
575. Sleep, Overview
576. Sleep-Wake Cycle
577. Snoring
578. Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
579. Wakefulness
580. Acute Neuronal Injury/Neuroprotection
581. Amyloidosis
582. Astrocytes
583. Autophagy
584. Blood-Brain Barrier
585. Brain Banking
586. Cell and Tissue Culture
587. Microscopy
588. Expression profiling
589. Fixation and processing of CNS tissue
590. Focal Cortical Dysplasia
591. Histochemical Staining of CNS tissue
592. Immunohistochemistry
593. In-situ hybridization
594. Microvascular Pathology
595. Neuronal Inclusions
596. Rosettes and pseudorosettes
597. Stem Cells & Neurogenesis
705. Muscle Biopsy Processing and Evaluation
706. Fixation and Processing of PNS Tissue
598. Alzheimer's Disease, Epidemiology
599. Brain Injury, Traumatic: Epidemiological Issues
600. Central Nervous System Tumors, Epidemiology
601. Epidemiology, Overview
602. Multiple Sclerosis, Diagnosis
603. Multiple Sclerosis, Epidemiology
604. Neuroepidemiology, Overview
605. Parkinson's Disease, Epidemiology
606. Stroke, Epidemiology
608. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
609. Botulism
610. Channelopathies, Clinical Manifestations
611. Cramps, Muscle
612. Dystrophin and Dystrophin-Associated Proteins
613. Fatigue
614. Isaacs' Syndrome
615. Kennedy's Disease
616. Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome
617. Lumbar Plexopathy
618. Motor Control, Peripheral
619. Muscle Biopsy
620. Muscle Tone
621. Muscular Dystrophy: Emery-Dreifuss, Facioscapulohumeral, Scapuloperoneal, and Bethlem Myopathy
622. Muscular Dystrophy; Becker's and Duchenne's
623. Limb-girdle Dystrophies
624. Myasthenia Gravis
625. Myasthenic Syndromes, Congenital
626. Myokymia
627. Myopathy, Congenital
628. Myopathy, Endocrine
629. Myopathy, Metabolic
630. Myopathy, Mitochondrial
631. Myopathy, Overview
632. Myopathy, Toxic
633. Myositis, Inflammatory
634. Myotonia
635. Myotonic Disorders
636. Myotonic Dystrophy
637. Neuromuscular Disorders, Overview
638. Neuromuscular Junction, Normal
639. Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy
640. Polymyalgia Rheumatica
641. Post-Polio Syndrome
642. Rippling Muscle Disease
643. Scoliosis
644. Spinal Cord Diseases
645. Spinal Muscular Atrophy
646. Stiff-Person Syndrome
647. Tetanus
648. Tetany
649. Trinucleotide Repeat Disorders
1084. Peripheral Nerve Vasculitis, Immunology of
650. Anti-MAG neuropathy
651. Brachial Plexopathies
652. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
653. Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
654. CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculopathy)
655. Denervation
656. Epidermal Nerve Fibers
657. Facial Nerve (Cranial Nerve VII)
658. Fasciculation
659. Femoral Nerves
660. Foot Drop
661. Genitofemoral Nerve
662. Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Clinical Aspects
663. Hypoglossal Nerve (Cranial XII)
664. Intercostal Nerve
665. Median Nerves and Neuropathy
666. Meralgia Paresthetica
667. Mononeuropathy Multiplex
668. Multifocal Motor Neuropathy
669. Muscle Contraction, Overview
670. Muscle Strength, Assessment of
671. Musculocutaneous Nerve
672. Nerve Injury
673. Nerve Regeneration
674. Nerve Repair
675. Neuropathies, Amyloid
676. Neuropathies, Autonomic
677. Neuropathies, Diabetic
678. Neuropathies, Entrapment
679. Neuropathies, Iatrogenic
680. Neuropathies, Idiopathic
681. Neuropathies, Instrumental
682. Neuropathies, Nutritional
683. Neuropathies, Overview
684. Neuropathy, Axillary
685. Neuropathy, Toxic
686. Peroneal Nerve
687. Phrenic Nerve
688. POEMS (polyneuropathy, organogmegaly, endocrinopathy, M protein, skin changes)
689. Radiculopathy
690. Saphenous Nerve
691. Sciatic Nerve
692. Sensation, Assessment, of
693. Sensory Neuronopathy, Paraneoplastic
694. Sensory Receptors, Overview
695. Sensory System, Overview
696. Sphincter Disturbances
697. Suprascapular Nerve
698. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
699. Thoracic Nerve, Long
700. Thoracic Outlet Syndromes
701. Tibial Nerve
702. Trigeminal Nerve (Cranial Nerve V)
703. Ulnar Neuropathy
704. Vasculitic Neuropathy
707. Abscess, Surgery
708. Acoustic Neuroma, Treatment
709. Amygdalohippocampectomy
710. Aneurysms, Intracranial
711. Aneurysms, Surgery
712. Arachnoid Cysts
713. Arachnoiditis
714. Arteriovenuous Fistulas
715. Arteriovenuous Malformations (AVM), Surgical Treatment of
717. Brain Herniation, Surgical Management
718. Brain Trauma, Contrecoup
719. Brain Tumors, Clinical Manifestations and Treatment
720. Bypass Surgery
721. Callosotomy
722. Capillary Telangiectasia
723. Cauda Equina Syndrome and Neurogenic Claudication
724. Cavernous Malformations
725. Cerebral Edema
726. Cerebral Protection
727. Cerebral Vasospasm, Treatment of
728. Cervical Dystonia
729. Cervical Spine Stabilization
730. Cervical Spine Stabilization, Technical Aspects
731. Chiari Malformations
732. Cingulotomy
733. Conus Medullaris Syndrome
734. Cordotomy
735. Cranial Nerve Palsies, Surgery
736. Craniectomy
737. Craniosynostosis
738. Craniotomy
739. Decortication
740. Deep Brain Stimulation
741. Diastematomyelia
742. Diskectomy
743. Electrostimulation
744. Embolization, Therapeutic, Surgical
745. Endoscopic Microsurgery
746. Endovascular Therapy
747. Epilepsy, Invasive Monitoring for
748. Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
749. Ganglionectomy
750. Head Trauma, Overview
751. Hemangiomas
752. Hemispherectomy
753. Hydrocephalus
754. Hyperhidrosis
755. Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest
756. Intracranial Hypertension
757. Intracranial Pressure
758. Intracranial Pressure Monitoring
759. Laminectomy
760. Lobectomy
761. Lobectomy, Temporal
762. Lobotomy
763. Lumbar Puncture, Ventriculostomy, and Ventriculitis
764. Lumbar Spine Stabilization
765. Mass Effect
766. Microneurosurgery
767. Moyamoya Disease
768. Myelomeningocele
769. Neurolysis
770. Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome
771. Paget's Disease
772. Pain, Deafferentation
773. Pallidotomy
774. Pseudotumor Cerebri (PTC)
775. Pulvinotomy
776. Radiculopathy, Cervical
777. Radiculopathy, Lumbosacral
778. Radiosurgery
779. Revascularization, Cerebral
780. Rhizotomy
781. Shunts, Neurosurgical
782. Slit Ventricle Syndrome
783. Spasticity
784. Spinal Cord Injury without Radiographic Abnormality (SCIWORA)
785. Spinal Cord Transection
786. Spinal Cord Tumors, Treatment of
787. Spondylosis, Cervical and Lumbar
788. Stenosis, Lumbar
789. Stereotactic Biopsy
790. Stereotactic Surgery
791. Sympathectomy
792. Syrinx
793. Takayasu's Arteritis
794. Thalamotomy
795. Thoracic Spine Stabilization
796. Transposition, Surgical, of Vertebral Artery
797. Vascular Steal
798. Vasculities, Cerebral, Surgery
799. Venous Malformation
800. Expanded Endonasal Surgery
801. Intraoperative Imaging/MRI
802. Trigeminal Neuralgia/Facial Pain
803. Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion
804. Disk Arthroplasty—Lumbar and Cervical
805. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
806. Radiosurgery—Gamma Knife and Cyberknife
807. Endovascular Treatment of Aneurysms
808. Surgical Treatment of Cerebral Malformations
1110. Intraoperative Neurophysiology
809. Airy, George and Hubert
810. "George Dedlow"
811. Gage, Phineas
812. "HM"
813. "JC" (Crawford, John)
814. Wollaston, William Hyde
815. Adams, Raymond
816. Adrian, Edgar Douglas
817. Alzheimer, Alois
818. Argyll Robertson, Douglas
819. Axelrod, Julius
820. Babinski, Joseph Francois Felix
821. Baker, A. B.
822. Bárány, Robert
823. Bartholow, Roberts
824. Bastian, Henry Charlton
825. Beard, George Miller
826. Bell, Charles
827. Berger, Hans
828. Bernard, Claude
829. Boll, Franz
830. Bonnet, Charles
831. Breuer, Joseph
832. Broca, Pierre-Paul
833. Brodmann, Korbinian
834. Brown, Alexander Crum
835. Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard
836. Brudzinski, Jozef
837. Cairns, Hugh
838. Cannon, Walter
839. Casal, Gasper
840. Castle, William
841. Caton, Richard
842. Charcot, Jean-Martin
843. Collins, Joseph
844. Oldendorf, William
845. Corning, James Leonard
846. Creutzfeldt, Hans
847. Cushing, Harvey
848. Dale, Henry Hallett
849. Dalton, John
850. Dana, Charles Loomis
851. Dandy, Walter Edward
852. de No, Lorente
853. Dejerine, Jules
854. Denny-Brown, Derek
855. Dercum, Francis
856. Descartes, Rene
857. Hallpike, Charles Skinner
858. Langdon Down, John
859. du Bois-Reymond, Emil
860. Duchenne, Guillaume
861. Eccles, John
862. Edinger, Ludwig
863. Moniz, Egaz
864. Ehrlich, Paul
865. Eijkman, Christiaan
866. Dax, Mark
867. Enders, John
868. Erb, Wilhelm Heinrich
869. Erlanger, Joseph
870. Ewald JR
871. Ferrier, David
872. Flourens, Marie-Jean-Pierre
873. Foerster, Otfried
874. Ford, Frank (and Walsh FB)
875. Forel, August-Henri
876. Forster, Francis
877. Freeman, Walter
878. Freud, Sigmund
879. Frey, Lucja
880. Friedreich, Nikolaus
881. Funk, Casimir
882. Gajdusek, D. Carleton
883. Galen
884. Gall, Franz Joseph
885. Galvani, Luigi (Aloisio)
886. Gasser, Herbert
888. Geschwind, Norman
889. Gilles de la Tourette, Georges
890. Goldberger, Joseph
891. Golgi, Camillo
892. Goltz, Friedrich Leopold
893. Gowers, William Richard
894. Granit, Ragnar
895. Griesinger, Wilhelm
896. Grijns, Gerrit
897. Guillain, Georges (and colleages Jean-Alexandre Barré and André Strohl)
899. Guttman, Ludwig
900. Hall, Marshall
901. Hammond, William A.
902. Hartline, Halden
903. Head, Henry
904. Helmholtz, Hermann
905. Hering, Ewald
906. Hess, Walter
907. Hippocrates
908. His, William
909. Hitzig, Edward
910. Hodgkin, Alan
911. Hoffmann, Johann
912. Hoffmann, Paul
913. Holmes, Gordon
914. Horner, Johann Friedrich
915. Horsley, Victor
916. Horton, Bayard Taylor
917. Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey Newbold
918. Hun, Henry
919. Hunt, James Ramsay
920. Huntington, George
921. Inouye, Tatsuji
922. Itard, Jean-Marc Gaspard
923. Jackson, John Hughlings
924. Jakob, Alfons
925. James, William
926. Jendrassik, Erno
927. Jewell, James Stewart
928. Katz, Bernard
929. Keen, William Williams
930. Kenny, "Sister" Elizabeth
931. Kernig, Vladimir
932. Dejerine-Klumpke, Augusta
933. Korsakoff, Sergei
934. Kraepelin, Emil
935. Kuehne, Wilhelm (Willy) Friedrich
936. Lambert, Edward and Eaton, Lee
937. Langley, John Newport
938. Lasègue, Charles
939. Lashley, Karl
940. Lauterbur, Paul
941. Leão, Aristides
942. Lennox, William Gordon
943. Lewis, Morris J.
944. Lewy, Fritz
945. Lhermitte, Jean
946. Little, William John
948. Luria, Alexander Romanovich
949. Luys, Jules Bernard
950. MacEwen, William
951. Mach, Ernst
952. Magendie, François
953. Marie, Pierre
954. Marinescu, Georghe
955. Merritt, H. Houston (& Tracy Putnam)
956. Mesmer, Franz
957. Meynert, Theodor Hermann
958. Mills, Charles Karsner
959. Minot, George R. and Murphy, William P.
960. Mitchell, Silar Weir
961. Monakow, Constantin von
962. Monro, Alexander
963. Moro, Ernst
964. Mueller, Johannes
965. Nansen, Fridtjof
966. Newton, Isaac
967. Nissl, Franz
968. Onufrowicz (Onuf), Bronislav
969. Oppenheim, Hermann
970. Osler, William
971. Papez, James
972. Parkinson, James
973. Pasteur, Louis
974. Pavlov, Ivan
975. Penfield, Wilder
976. Pick, Arnold
977. Procháska, Georg (JiÅ™Ã)
978. Purkinje, Jan
979. Putnam, James Jackson
980. Quincke, Heinrich
981. Ramon y Cajal, Santiago
982. Recklinghausen, Friedrich Daniel von
983. Remak, Robert
984. Riddoch, George
985. Rodbell, Martin
986. Rolando, Luigi
987. Romberg, Moritz Heinrich
989. Rusk, Howard A.
990. Sabin, Albert
991. Sachs, Bernard
992. Salk, Jonas
993. Schwann, Theodor
994. Seguin, Edouard
1085. Seguin, Edward Constant
995. Sherrington, Charles Scott
996. Sperry, Roger
997. Spiller, William
998. Spitzka, Edward Charles
999. Spurzheim, Johann Gaspar
1000. Swedenborg, Emanuel
1001. Sydenham, Thomas
1002. Sylvius, Franciscus
1003. Takaki, Kanehiro
1004. Tinel, Jules
1005. Todd, Robert Bentley
1006. Van Gehuchten, Arthur
1007. Vesalius, Andreas
1009. Virchow, Rudolph
1010. Vogt, Cecile and Oskar
1011. von Békésy, Georg
1012. von Economo, Constantin
1013. von Euler, Ulf
1014. von Graefe, Albrecht
1016. von Soemmering, Samuel
1017. Wald, George
1018. Broadfoot Walker, Mary
1019. Wallenberg, Adolf
1020. Waller, Augustus Volney
1022. Wepfer, Johann Jakob
1023. Wernicke, Carl
1024. Westphal, Carl F. O.
1025. Whytt, Robert
1026. Willis, Thomas
1027. Wilson, Samuel Alexander Kinnier
1028. Young, Thomas
1029. Meniere, Prosper
1030. Taylor, John Madison
1108. Wilson’s disease, history of
1031. Anencephaly
1032. Brain Development, Normal Postnatal
1033. Breath-Holding Spells
1034. Central Nervous System, Malformations
1035. Cerebral Palsy
1036. Child Abuse, Head Injuries
1037. Child Neurology, History of
1038. Familial Dysautonomia
1039. Grasp Reflex
1040. Hemiatrophy
1041. Hypotonic Infant
1042. Kernicterus
1043. Leukoencephalopathy
1044. Megalencephaly
1045. Microcephaly
1046. Moro Reflex
1047. Munchausen by Proxy
1048. Nervous System, Neuroembryology of
1049. Neural Tube Defects
1050. Neurotrophins, Developmental
1051. Rett's Syndrome
1052. Reye's Syndrome
1053. Subacute Necrotizing Encephalomyelopathy
1054. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
1055. Turner Syndrome
1056. Menkes Disease
1057. Brain Trauma: ICU Management
1058. Management of Elevated ICP
313. Brain Death
1059. Ethical Issues
1060. Antianxiety Pharmacology
1061. Antidepressant Pharmacology
1062. Antipsychotic Pharmacology
1063. Psychotherapy
1064. dbs/tms/ect
1065. Risk Assessment
1066. Capacity and Consent
1067. Autism Spectrum Disorders
1068. Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy (CBT)
1069. Delusions
1070. Eating Disorders
1071. Personality Disorders
1072. Abnormal Illness Behaviors
1073. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
1074. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
1075. Schizophrenia/Psychosis
1076. Depression and Dysthymia
1077. Bipolar Disorder
1078. Substance Abuse
1079. Psychiatry Diagnosis
1080. Anxiety
1081. Phobias
1082. Panic
1083. Post-partum Depression and Psychosis
1086. Migraine, Genetics
1087. Migraine, Current Pathophysiology
1088. Migraine, Clinical Aspects, including epidemiology
1089. Migraine, Treatment- medical
1090. Migraine, Treatment- neurostimulation
1091. Migraine, Menstruation, pregnancy and lactation
1092. Migraine, Chronic, including medication overuse headache
1093. Migraine, Pediatric/Adolescent Aspects
1094. Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) - cluster headache
1095. Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) - paroxysmal hemicrania
1096. Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) - SUNCT/SUNA
1097. Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) - hemicrania continua
1098. Tension-type headache
1099. Primary Cough and Exertional headache
1100. Hypnic Headache
1101. Primary sex headache
1102. Primary Thunderclap Headache
1103. Neuroimaging in Headache Disorders
1104. Post-traumatic headache
1105. CSF pressure change headaches
1106. TMJ disorders and headache
1107. Cervicogenic headache
1111. Accessory Nerve (Cranial Nerve XI)
1112. Ageusia
1113. Amygdala
1114. Anterior Spinal Artery Occlusion
1115. Aqueduct of Sylvius
1116. Attentional Mechanisms
1117. Babinski Sign
1118. Basal Ganglia
1119. Basal Ganglia, Diseases of
1120. Betz Cells
1121. Brain Anatomy
1122. Brain Evolution, Human
1123. Brainstem Syndromes
1124. Broca's Area
1125. Brodmann's Areas
1126. Brown-Sequard's Syndrome
1127. Carotid Artery
1128. Cauda Equina
1129. Caudate Nucleus
1130. Central Nervous System, Overview
1131. Cerebellum
1132. Cerebral Cortex
1133. Cerebral Hemispheric Interactons
1134. Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea
1135. Circle of Willis
1136. Clonus
1137. Corpus Callosum
1138. Corpus Striatum
1139. Cortical Histogenesis
1140. Corticospinal/Corticobulbar Tracts
1141. Dandy-Walker Syndrome
1142. Dorsal Root Ganglion
1143. Dura Mater
1144. Dysarthria
1145. Emotion, Neural Mechanisms of
1146. Ependyma
1147. Executive Function
1148. Frontal Lobes
1149. Globus Pallidus
1150. Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia
1151. Hippocampus
1152. Hoffman's Sign
1153. Inferior Colliculus
1154. Intervertebral Disk
1155. Leptomeninges; Arachnoid and Pia
1156. Lhermitte's Symptom
1157. Limbic System
1158. Localization
1159. Lower Motor Neuron Lesions
1160. Medulla Oblongata
1161. Midbrain
1162. Motor Cortex
1163. Neglect Disorders
1164. Neurocardiogenic Syncope
1165. Nodes of Ranvier
1166. Occipital Lobe
1167. Olfactory Nerve (Cranial Nerve I)
1168. Paralysis
1169. Paraparesis and Paraplegia
1170. Paresis
1171. Parietal Lobe
1172. Pons
1173. Pontine Nuclei
1174. Quadriplegia
1175. Skull
1176. Spinal Cord Anatomy
1177. Spinal Roots
1178. Superior Colliculus
1179. Syringomyelia
1180. Temporal Lobe
1181. Thalamus
1182. Uncus
1183. Upper Motor Neuron Lesions
1184. Vertebrate Nervous System, Development of the
1185. Vestibular System
1186. Visual Pathways, Anatomy and Field Defects
1187. Vomiting Center
1189. Wernicke's Area
1190. White Matter
1191. Brain Tumors, Genetics
1192. Channelopathies, Genetics
1193. Down's Syndrome
1194. Genetic Testing, Molecular
1195. Hypomelanosis of Ito
1196. Incontinentia Pigmenti (IP)
1197. Migraine, Genetics of
1198. Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy, Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke (MELAS)
1199. Neurofibromatosis
1200. Neurogenetics, Overview
1201. Tay-Sachs Disease
1202. Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC)
1203. von Hippel-Lindau Disease
The easy-to-use 'encyclopedic-dictionary' format of the Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, Second Edition features alphabetic entries, extensive cross-referencing, and a thorough index for quick reference. The wealth of information provided by these four volumes makes this reference work a trusted source of valuable information for a wide range of researchers, from undergraduate students to academic researchers.
Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, 2nd Edition
1. Akathisia
2. Akinesia
3. Alien Limb
4. Apraxia
5. Asterixis
6. Ataxia
7. Ataxia Telangiectasia
8. Athetosis
9. Ballism
10. Cerebellar Disorders
11. Chorea
12. Choreoathetosis
13. Dysequilibrium Syndrome
14. Dyskinesias
15. Dystonia
16. Episodic Ataxias
17. Essential Tremor
18. Falls and Drops
19. Friedreich's Ataxia
20. Gait and Gait Disorders
21. Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome
22. Hemifacial Spasm
23. Huntington's Disease
24. Motor System, Overview
25. Movement Disorders, Overview
26. Myoclonus
27. Neuroacanthocytosis
28. Parkinsonism
29. Parkinson's Disease
30. Paroxysmal Movement Disorders
31. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)
32. Rigidity
33. Spasms
34. Startle Syndromes
35. Sydenham's Chorea
36. Tardive Dyskinesia
37. Tic Disorders
38. Writer's Cramp/Tremor
39. Acetylcholine
40. Dopamine
41. Endocannabinoids
42. GABAA Receptor Channels, Properties and Regulation
43. Neuropeptides, Overview
44. Neurotransmitter Receptors
45. Neurotransmitters, Overview
46. Nitric Oxide
47. Norepinephrine
48. Serotonin
49. Action Potential, Generation of
50. Action Potential, Regeneration of
51. Axons
52. Cardiovascular Regulation
53. Cell Adhesion Molecules (CAMs)
54. Cell Death
55. Computational Neuroscience
56. Dendrites
57. G Proteins
58. Gap Junctions
59. Hypothermia
60. Impulse Conduction
61. Ion Channels, Overview
62. Membrane Potential
63. Myelin
64. Myelin Disorders
65. Myelin Proteins
66. Nerve Roots
68. Neurons, Overview
69. Neurotrophins
70. Nicotinic Receptors
71. Plasticity
72. Smell
73. Taste
75. Amino Acid Disorders
76. Maple Syrup Urine Disease
77. Phenylketonuria (PKU)
78. Beriberi
79. Carnitine Deficiency
80. Diabetes Mellitus
81. Wilson's Disease
82. Galactosemia
83. Glycogen Storage Diseases
84. Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
85. Leukodystrophy
86. Adrenoleukodystrophy
87. Alexander's Disease
88. Canavan's Disease
89. Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease
90. Vanishing White Matter Disease (CACH Syndrome)
91. Lipidoses
92. Sjögren-Larsson Syndrome
93. Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome
94. Lipoprotein Disorders
95. Abetalipoproteinemia (ABL, Bassen-Kornzeig Disease)
96. Lysosomal Storage Disorders
97. Gangliosidoses
98. Hexosaminidase Deficiency
99. GM1 Gangliosidosis
100. Gaucher Disease
101. Fabry Disease
102. Niemann-Pick Disease
103. Krabbe's Disease
104. Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
105. Mucopolysaccharidoses
106. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinonses
107. Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies, Overview (Subacute Necrotizing, Encephalomyelopathy, Leigh Disease)
108. Oxidative Metabolism
109. Respiratory Chain Disorders
110. Alpers' Disease (Progressive Infantile Poliodystrophy)
111. Organic Acid Disorders
112. Peroxisomes and Peroxisomal Disorders
113. Porphyria
114. Rhabdomyolysis and Myoglobinuria
115. Vitamins, Overview
116. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
117. Vitamin A
118. Vitamin D
119. Abducens Nerve (Cranial Nerve IV)
120. Auditory System, Central
121. Auditory System, Peripheral
122. Balance
123. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
124. Blepharospasm
125. Cavernous Sinus Disorders
126. Diplopia and Strabismus
127. Eye Movement Recording
128. Eye Movements, Overview
129. Eye Movements, Saccades
130. Eye Movements, Smooth Pursuit
131. Eye Movements, Vergence
132. Eyelids
133. Giant Cell (Temporal) Arteritis
134. Graves' Orbitopathy
135. Hallucinations, Visual and Auditory
136. Hearing Loss
137. Horner's Syndrome
138. Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
139. Meniere's Disease
140. Visual motion and spatial perception
141. Visual colour and form perception
142. Neuroophthalmology
143. Neurotology
144. Nystagmus and Saccadic Instrusions and Oscillations
145. Oculomotor Nerve (Cranial Nerve III)
146. Ophthalmoplegia
147. Optic Chiasm and Tract
148. Optic Nerve (Cranial Nerve II)
149. Optic Nerve Disorders
150. Optokinetic Nystagmus
151. Papilledema
152. Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (CPEO)
153. Ptosis
154. Pupillary Disorders, Afferent
155. Pupillary Disorders, Efferent
156. Pupils
157. Retina
158. Tinnitus
159. Trochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve IV)
160. Vertigo and Dizziness
161. Vestibular Loss
162. Vestibular Neuritis and Labyrinthitis
163. Vestibular Reflexes
164. Vestibulocochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve VIII)
165. Visual Fields
166. Visual Loss, Cerebral
167. Visual Loss, Overview
168. Visual Loss, Transient
169. Visual System, Central
170. Optic Neuritis
171. Optical Coherence Tomography
172. Astrocytes
173. Acute Motor and Motor Sensory Neuropathy (AMAN, AMSAN, axonal variant of Guillain-Barre Syndrome);immunology of
174. Chemokines
175. Cytokines
176. Demyelinating immune neuropathies (Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, demyelinating form of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy; anti-MAG neuropathy); immunology of
177. Fisher syndrome and Bickerstaff’s encephalitis; immunology of
178. HIV infection, neurologic complications; immunology of
179. Immune System, adaptive, overview
180. Immune system, innate, overview
182. Interferons
183. Lambert-Eaton syndrome; immunology of
184. Microglia
185. Myasthenia gravis; immunology of
186. Multiple sclerosis and ADEM; immunology/basic biology
187. Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders; immunology of
188. Oligodendrocytes
189. Autoimmune Encephalitis Affecting Synaptic Proteins
190. Sarcoidosis
191. Schwann cells; immunology of
192. Vasculitis, nervous system; immunology of
193. Angiography
194. Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT), incl CTA
195. Embolization Materials in Neuroradiology
196. Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)
197. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
198. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Overview
199. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS)
200. Neuroimaging, Overview
201. Neuroradiology, Diagnostic
202. Physiological Brain Imaging
203. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
204. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
205. Therapeutic Neuroradiology, Angioplasty and Stenting
206. Therapeutic Neuroradiology, Intra-Arterial Thrombolysis
207. Ultrasound, Carotid
208. Ultrasound, Transcranial Doppler
209. Pain, Basic Mechanisms
210. Placebo effect
211. Measurement of Pain
212. Psychosocial and Demographic Factors in Pain
213. Nociceptive vs. Neuropathic Pain
214. NSAIDs, Acetaminophen
215. Antidepressant, Anticonvulsants
216. Opioids
217. Other Analgesics
218. Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Pain
219. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
220. Psychiatric and Psychological Interventions
221. Nerve and Joint Blocks/Lesioning
222. Pain, Surgical Management
223. Neuromodulation Techniques for Chronic Pain
224. Interdisciplinary Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Clinics
225. Visceral Pain
226. Arthritic Pain
227. Myofascial and Musculoskeletal Pain
228. Cancer Pain
229. Spine and Radicular Pain
230. Neuropathic Pain and its Management
231. Craniofacial Neuralgia
232. Pelvic Pain
233. Acute and Post-operative Pain
234. Pain and Dysautonomia
235. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
236. Fibromyalgia
237. Phantom Limb and Stump Pain
238. Temporomandibular Disorders
239. Pain in Infants, Children, and Adolescents
240. Pain in Older Adults
241. Pain in Infants and Persons with Cognitive Impairments
242. Pain Relief in Substance Abusers
243. Future Directions in Pain Management
244. Acrylamide
245. Acrylonitrile
246. Aluminum
247. Ammonia
248. Amphetamines
249. Anesthetics
250. Antibiotics, β-lactam
251. Anticancer agents
252. Arsenic
253. Carbon monoxide
254. Cardiac drugs
255. Chickpea
256. Cocaine
257. Cyanides
258. Dioxins
259. Domoic acid
260. Ecstasy
261. Ethanol
262. Lead
263. Manganese
264. Mercury
265. Methanol
266. MPTP
267. Neurotoxicology, overview
268. Organic solvents
269. Organophosphates
270. Paraquat
271. PCBs
272. PBDEs
273. Rotenone
274. Smoking and nicotine
275. Snake venoms
276. Tetrodotoxin
277. Antiepileptic Drugs
278. Epilepsy Treatment Strategies
279. Epilepsy, Antiepileptic Drug Profiles
280. Epilepsy, Basic Mechanisms
281. Epilepsy, Comobidity
282. Epilepsy, Diagnosis of
283. Epilepsy, Drug Treatment Principles
284. Epilepsy, Epidemiology
285. Epilepsy, Experimental Models
286. Epilepsy, Gender Issues And
287. Epilepsy, Genetics
288. Epilepsy, Overview
289. Epilepsy, Precipitating Factors
290. Epilepsy, Prognosis
291. Epilepsy, Risk Factors
292. Epilepsy, Social Consequences
293. Epilepsy, Surgery
294. Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe
295. Epileptic Seizures
296. Epileptic Syndromes and Diseases
297. Epileptogenesis
298. Febrile Seizures
299. Interictal Behavior Disturbances
300. Neonatal Seizures
301. Postictal Manifestations
302. Status Epilepticus
607. Epilepsy Pathology
303. Abulia
304. Acute Confusional State (Delirium)
305. Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
306. Acute Hemorrahgic Encephalitis
307. Agrypnia
308. Akinetic Mutism
309. Alertness (Crude Consciousness)
310. Anoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
311. Ascending Reticular Activating System (ARAS)
312. Awareness
314. Burn Encephalopathy
315. Carbon Dioxide Narcosis
316. Coma
317. Coma Scales
318. Coma, Hyperosmolar
319. Coma, Postoperative
320. Concentration
321. Concussion
322. Consicousness
323. Decerebrate Rigidity
324. Decorticate Rigidity
325. Diaschisis
326. Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)
327. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
328. Endozepines and Coma
329. Herniation Syndromes
330. Hyperglycemia and Coma
331. Hyperthermia
332. Intoxication
333. Kussmaul Breathing
334. Locked-In Syndrome
335. Penducular Hallucinosis
336. Perception and Perceptual Disorders
337. Persistent Vegetative State (PVS)
338. Psychogenic Unresponsiveness
339. Secondary Axotomy
340. Self-Awareness
341. Sensation
342. Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy
343. Sleep, Condition of
344. Stupor
346. Syncope
347. Toxic Encephalopathy
348. Uremic Encephalopathy
349. Wernicke's Encephalopathy
350. Brain Trauma, Overview
351. Bacterial Abscess, Cerebral
352. Bacterial Meningitis
353. Bartonella Infections
354. Brudzinski's Sign
355. Ehrlichiosis
356. Epidural Empyema, Cranial
357. Fungal Abscess, Cerebral
358. Fungal Meningitis
359. Kernig's Sign
360. Leprosy
361. Lyme Disease
362. Neurosyphilis
363. Rickettsial Infections
364. Subdural Empyema
365. Tabes Dorsalis
366. Tuberculosis
367. Whipple's Disease
368. PANDAS-like illnesses
369. Adenoviruses
370. AIDS/HIV and Neurological Disease
371. Arboviruses, Encephalitis Caused by
372. Borna Disease Virus
373. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
374. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
375. Encephalitis, Viral
376. Enteroviruses
377. Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)
378. Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Syndrome
379. Human Herpes Viruses
380. Human T-Lymphotropic Viruses (HTLVs)
381. Influenza Virus
382. Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV)
383. Measles Virus, Central Nervous System Complications of
384. Meningitis, Viral
385. Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML)
386. Rabies Virus
387. Rubella Virus
388. Varicella-Zoster Virus
389. Viral Vaccines and Antiviral Therapy
390. American Trypanosomiasis
391. Human African Trypanosomiasis
392. Malaria
393. Meningitis, Eosinophilic
394. Neurocysicercosis
395. Parasites and Neurological Disease, Overview
396. Schistosomiasis
397. Toxoplasmosis
398. Tropical Neurology
399. Anti-Phospholipid Antibodies
400. Anticoagulant Treatment
401. Antiplatelet Therapy
402. Basilar Artery Thrombosis
403. Brain Ischemic Edema
405. Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation
406. Cerebral Blood Flow, Measurement of
407. Cerebral Blood Vessels: Arteries
408. Cerebral Blood Vessels: Veins and Venous Sinuses
409. Cerebral Metabolism and Blood Flow
410. Cerebral Microcirculation
411. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
412. Coagulopathies and Stroke
413. Dissection, Arterial
414. Cardiac and Aortic Embolism
415. Intracerebral Hemorrage, Primary
416. Ischemic Cell Death, Mechanisms
417. Lacunar Infarcts
418. Spinal Stroke
419. Stroke Imaging/Diffusion-Perfusion MRI
420. Stroke Risk Factors
421. Stroke Units
422. Stroke, Animal Models
423. Migraine and Stroke
424. Stroke, Overview
425. Ischemic Stroke, Acute Treatment
426. Cerebral Vasculitis
427. Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome
428. Aging, Overview
429. Mental Status Testing
430. Neuropsychology, Overview
431. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
432. Autism Spectrum Disorder
433. Developmental Neuropsychology
434. Dyslexia, Developmental
435. Learning Disability: overview
436. Mental Retardation
437. Agnosia
438. Angular Gyrus Syndrome
439. Apraxia
440. Anosognosia
441. Neurocognitive Function in Patients with Autoimmune Disorders
442. Balint's Syndrome
443. Cerebrovascular disease
444. Disconnection Syndromes
445. Prosopagnosia
446. Mild traumatic brain injury
447. Transient Epileptic Amnesia
448. Transient Global Amnesia
449. Art and the Brain
450. Attention
451. Executive function
452. Eye movements
453. Memory, Autobiographical
454. Memory, Episodic
455. Memory, Explicit/Implicit
456. Memory, Overview
457. Memory, Semantic
458. Memory, Working
459. Music
460. Problem Solving
461. Social cognition
462. Spatial cognition
463. Emotions
464. Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
465. Agrammatism
466. Agraphia
467. Alexia
468. Anomia
469. Aphasia: overview
470. Language and Discourse
471. Language Disorders, Overview
472. Phonology
473. Speech Disorders, Overview
474. Handedness and Cerebral Laterality
475. Alzheimer's Disease
476. Dementia
477. Frontotemporal Dementia
478. Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Heterogeneous Neuropsychological Disorder
479. Movement disorders
480. Prions
481. Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy
482. Acoustic Neuroma
483. Brain Tumors, Biology
484. Childhood Brain Tumors
485. Glial Tumors
486. Meningiomas
487. Metastases, Brain
488. Nerve Sheath Tumors
489. Neuro-Oncology Overview
490. Paraneoplastic, Syndromes, Central
491. Pituitary Tumors
492. Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma and Germ Cell Tumors
493. Rradiotherapy and antineoplastic drugs, Neurological complications of
494. Spinal Cord Tumors, Biology of
495. Autonomic Dysreflexia
496. Autonomic Nervous System, Heart Rate, and
497. Autonomic Nervous System, Overview
498. Bladder Disorders
499. Complex Regional Pain Syndrom, Treatment of
500. Erection, Penile, Sleep-Related
501. Gastrointestinal Functions
502. Glossopharyngeal Nerve (Cranial Nerve IX)
503. Heart, Autonomic Nervous System and
504. Microneurography
505. Micturition
506. Multisystem Atrophy (MSA)
507. Orthostatic Hypotension
508. Parasympathetic System, Overview
509. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrom (POTS)
510. Quantitative Sudomotor Axon Reflex Test (QSART)
511. Respiration
512. Multiple System Atrophy
513. Sweating Disorders
514. Sympathetic System, Overview
515. Thermoregulatory Sweating
516. Vagus Nerve (Cranial Nerve X)
517. Valsalva Maneuver
518. Vasomotor Reflexes, Skin
519. Brain Mapping and Quantitative EEG
520. Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEPs)
521. Conduction Block
522. Electrocorticogram (ECOG)
523. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
524. Electroencephalographic Spikes and Sharp Waves
525. Electromyography (EMG)
526. Electronystagmogram (ENG)
527. Electroretinogram (ERG)
528. Event-Related Potentials (ERPs)
529. Evoked Potentials (EPs)
530. Filters, Analog/Digital
531. Hoffman H Reflex
532. Magnetic Stimulation
533. Magnetoencephalography
534. Motor Unit Potential
535. Nerve Conduction Studies
536. Neuromuscular Transmission Disorders
537. Polysomnography, Technique
538. Reflexes, Spinal Cord and Blink
539. Refractory Period
540. Sensory Testing, Quantitative
541. Sexual Dysfunction
542. Silent Period
543. Single-Fiber EMG
544. Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEPs)
545. Visual Evoked Potentials (VEPs)
546. Volume Conduction
1109. Motor Evoked Potentials (MEPs)
547. Actigraphy
548. Cataplexy
549. Dreaming
550. Drowsiness
551. Sleep and Epilepsy
552. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
553. Fatal Familial Insomnia
554. Hypnotics
555. Insomnia
556. Insomnia, Behavioral Treatment of
557. Jet Lag
558. Light Therapy
559. Melatonin
560. Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT)
561. Narcolepsy
562. Neuromuscular Disorders, Sleep and
563. Nightmares
564. NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep
565. Parasomnias
566. Periodic Limb Movements in Sleep (PLMS)
567. Polysomnography, Clinical
568. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep
569. REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
570. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
571. Sleep Disorders
572. Sleep Medicine, History of
573. Sleep Paralysis
574. Sleep, Effects of Aging, and
575. Sleep, Overview
576. Sleep-Wake Cycle
577. Snoring
578. Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
579. Wakefulness
580. Acute Neuronal Injury/Neuroprotection
581. Amyloidosis
582. Astrocytes
583. Autophagy
584. Blood-Brain Barrier
585. Brain Banking
586. Cell and Tissue Culture
587. Microscopy
588. Expression profiling
589. Fixation and processing of CNS tissue
590. Focal Cortical Dysplasia
591. Histochemical Staining of CNS tissue
592. Immunohistochemistry
593. In-situ hybridization
594. Microvascular Pathology
595. Neuronal Inclusions
596. Rosettes and pseudorosettes
597. Stem Cells & Neurogenesis
705. Muscle Biopsy Processing and Evaluation
706. Fixation and Processing of PNS Tissue
598. Alzheimer's Disease, Epidemiology
599. Brain Injury, Traumatic: Epidemiological Issues
600. Central Nervous System Tumors, Epidemiology
601. Epidemiology, Overview
602. Multiple Sclerosis, Diagnosis
603. Multiple Sclerosis, Epidemiology
604. Neuroepidemiology, Overview
605. Parkinson's Disease, Epidemiology
606. Stroke, Epidemiology
608. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
609. Botulism
610. Channelopathies, Clinical Manifestations
611. Cramps, Muscle
612. Dystrophin and Dystrophin-Associated Proteins
613. Fatigue
614. Isaacs' Syndrome
615. Kennedy's Disease
616. Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome
617. Lumbar Plexopathy
618. Motor Control, Peripheral
619. Muscle Biopsy
620. Muscle Tone
621. Muscular Dystrophy: Emery-Dreifuss, Facioscapulohumeral, Scapuloperoneal, and Bethlem Myopathy
622. Muscular Dystrophy; Becker's and Duchenne's
623. Limb-girdle Dystrophies
624. Myasthenia Gravis
625. Myasthenic Syndromes, Congenital
626. Myokymia
627. Myopathy, Congenital
628. Myopathy, Endocrine
629. Myopathy, Metabolic
630. Myopathy, Mitochondrial
631. Myopathy, Overview
632. Myopathy, Toxic
633. Myositis, Inflammatory
634. Myotonia
635. Myotonic Disorders
636. Myotonic Dystrophy
637. Neuromuscular Disorders, Overview
638. Neuromuscular Junction, Normal
639. Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy
640. Polymyalgia Rheumatica
641. Post-Polio Syndrome
642. Rippling Muscle Disease
643. Scoliosis
644. Spinal Cord Diseases
645. Spinal Muscular Atrophy
646. Stiff-Person Syndrome
647. Tetanus
648. Tetany
649. Trinucleotide Repeat Disorders
1084. Peripheral Nerve Vasculitis, Immunology of
650. Anti-MAG neuropathy
651. Brachial Plexopathies
652. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
653. Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
654. CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculopathy)
655. Denervation
656. Epidermal Nerve Fibers
657. Facial Nerve (Cranial Nerve VII)
658. Fasciculation
659. Femoral Nerves
660. Foot Drop
661. Genitofemoral Nerve
662. Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Clinical Aspects
663. Hypoglossal Nerve (Cranial XII)
664. Intercostal Nerve
665. Median Nerves and Neuropathy
666. Meralgia Paresthetica
667. Mononeuropathy Multiplex
668. Multifocal Motor Neuropathy
669. Muscle Contraction, Overview
670. Muscle Strength, Assessment of
671. Musculocutaneous Nerve
672. Nerve Injury
673. Nerve Regeneration
674. Nerve Repair
675. Neuropathies, Amyloid
676. Neuropathies, Autonomic
677. Neuropathies, Diabetic
678. Neuropathies, Entrapment
679. Neuropathies, Iatrogenic
680. Neuropathies, Idiopathic
681. Neuropathies, Instrumental
682. Neuropathies, Nutritional
683. Neuropathies, Overview
684. Neuropathy, Axillary
685. Neuropathy, Toxic
686. Peroneal Nerve
687. Phrenic Nerve
688. POEMS (polyneuropathy, organogmegaly, endocrinopathy, M protein, skin changes)
689. Radiculopathy
690. Saphenous Nerve
691. Sciatic Nerve
692. Sensation, Assessment, of
693. Sensory Neuronopathy, Paraneoplastic
694. Sensory Receptors, Overview
695. Sensory System, Overview
696. Sphincter Disturbances
697. Suprascapular Nerve
698. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
699. Thoracic Nerve, Long
700. Thoracic Outlet Syndromes
701. Tibial Nerve
702. Trigeminal Nerve (Cranial Nerve V)
703. Ulnar Neuropathy
704. Vasculitic Neuropathy
707. Abscess, Surgery
708. Acoustic Neuroma, Treatment
709. Amygdalohippocampectomy
710. Aneurysms, Intracranial
711. Aneurysms, Surgery
712. Arachnoid Cysts
713. Arachnoiditis
714. Arteriovenuous Fistulas
715. Arteriovenuous Malformations (AVM), Surgical Treatment of
717. Brain Herniation, Surgical Management
718. Brain Trauma, Contrecoup
719. Brain Tumors, Clinical Manifestations and Treatment
720. Bypass Surgery
721. Callosotomy
722. Capillary Telangiectasia
723. Cauda Equina Syndrome and Neurogenic Claudication
724. Cavernous Malformations
725. Cerebral Edema
726. Cerebral Protection
727. Cerebral Vasospasm, Treatment of
728. Cervical Dystonia
729. Cervical Spine Stabilization
730. Cervical Spine Stabilization, Technical Aspects
731. Chiari Malformations
732. Cingulotomy
733. Conus Medullaris Syndrome
734. Cordotomy
735. Cranial Nerve Palsies, Surgery
736. Craniectomy
737. Craniosynostosis
738. Craniotomy
739. Decortication
740. Deep Brain Stimulation
741. Diastematomyelia
742. Diskectomy
743. Electrostimulation
744. Embolization, Therapeutic, Surgical
745. Endoscopic Microsurgery
746. Endovascular Therapy
747. Epilepsy, Invasive Monitoring for
748. Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
749. Ganglionectomy
750. Head Trauma, Overview
751. Hemangiomas
752. Hemispherectomy
753. Hydrocephalus
754. Hyperhidrosis
755. Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest
756. Intracranial Hypertension
757. Intracranial Pressure
758. Intracranial Pressure Monitoring
759. Laminectomy
760. Lobectomy
761. Lobectomy, Temporal
762. Lobotomy
763. Lumbar Puncture, Ventriculostomy, and Ventriculitis
764. Lumbar Spine Stabilization
765. Mass Effect
766. Microneurosurgery
767. Moyamoya Disease
768. Myelomeningocele
769. Neurolysis
770. Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome
771. Paget's Disease
772. Pain, Deafferentation
773. Pallidotomy
774. Pseudotumor Cerebri (PTC)
775. Pulvinotomy
776. Radiculopathy, Cervical
777. Radiculopathy, Lumbosacral
778. Radiosurgery
779. Revascularization, Cerebral
780. Rhizotomy
781. Shunts, Neurosurgical
782. Slit Ventricle Syndrome
783. Spasticity
784. Spinal Cord Injury without Radiographic Abnormality (SCIWORA)
785. Spinal Cord Transection
786. Spinal Cord Tumors, Treatment of
787. Spondylosis, Cervical and Lumbar
788. Stenosis, Lumbar
789. Stereotactic Biopsy
790. Stereotactic Surgery
791. Sympathectomy
792. Syrinx
793. Takayasu's Arteritis
794. Thalamotomy
795. Thoracic Spine Stabilization
796. Transposition, Surgical, of Vertebral Artery
797. Vascular Steal
798. Vasculities, Cerebral, Surgery
799. Venous Malformation
800. Expanded Endonasal Surgery
801. Intraoperative Imaging/MRI
802. Trigeminal Neuralgia/Facial Pain
803. Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion
804. Disk Arthroplasty—Lumbar and Cervical
805. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
806. Radiosurgery—Gamma Knife and Cyberknife
807. Endovascular Treatment of Aneurysms
808. Surgical Treatment of Cerebral Malformations
1110. Intraoperative Neurophysiology
809. Airy, George and Hubert
810. "George Dedlow"
811. Gage, Phineas
812. "HM"
813. "JC" (Crawford, John)
814. Wollaston, William Hyde
815. Adams, Raymond
816. Adrian, Edgar Douglas
817. Alzheimer, Alois
818. Argyll Robertson, Douglas
819. Axelrod, Julius
820. Babinski, Joseph Francois Felix
821. Baker, A. B.
822. Bárány, Robert
823. Bartholow, Roberts
824. Bastian, Henry Charlton
825. Beard, George Miller
826. Bell, Charles
827. Berger, Hans
828. Bernard, Claude
829. Boll, Franz
830. Bonnet, Charles
831. Breuer, Joseph
832. Broca, Pierre-Paul
833. Brodmann, Korbinian
834. Brown, Alexander Crum
835. Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard
836. Brudzinski, Jozef
837. Cairns, Hugh
838. Cannon, Walter
839. Casal, Gasper
840. Castle, William
841. Caton, Richard
842. Charcot, Jean-Martin
843. Collins, Joseph
844. Oldendorf, William
845. Corning, James Leonard
846. Creutzfeldt, Hans
847. Cushing, Harvey
848. Dale, Henry Hallett
849. Dalton, John
850. Dana, Charles Loomis
851. Dandy, Walter Edward
852. de No, Lorente
853. Dejerine, Jules
854. Denny-Brown, Derek
855. Dercum, Francis
856. Descartes, Rene
857. Hallpike, Charles Skinner
858. Langdon Down, John
859. du Bois-Reymond, Emil
860. Duchenne, Guillaume
861. Eccles, John
862. Edinger, Ludwig
863. Moniz, Egaz
864. Ehrlich, Paul
865. Eijkman, Christiaan
866. Dax, Mark
867. Enders, John
868. Erb, Wilhelm Heinrich
869. Erlanger, Joseph
870. Ewald JR
871. Ferrier, David
872. Flourens, Marie-Jean-Pierre
873. Foerster, Otfried
874. Ford, Frank (and Walsh FB)
875. Forel, August-Henri
876. Forster, Francis
877. Freeman, Walter
878. Freud, Sigmund
879. Frey, Lucja
880. Friedreich, Nikolaus
881. Funk, Casimir
882. Gajdusek, D. Carleton
883. Galen
884. Gall, Franz Joseph
885. Galvani, Luigi (Aloisio)
886. Gasser, Herbert
888. Geschwind, Norman
889. Gilles de la Tourette, Georges
890. Goldberger, Joseph
891. Golgi, Camillo
892. Goltz, Friedrich Leopold
893. Gowers, William Richard
894. Granit, Ragnar
895. Griesinger, Wilhelm
896. Grijns, Gerrit
897. Guillain, Georges (and colleages Jean-Alexandre Barré and André Strohl)
899. Guttman, Ludwig
900. Hall, Marshall
901. Hammond, William A.
902. Hartline, Halden
903. Head, Henry
904. Helmholtz, Hermann
905. Hering, Ewald
906. Hess, Walter
907. Hippocrates
908. His, William
909. Hitzig, Edward
910. Hodgkin, Alan
911. Hoffmann, Johann
912. Hoffmann, Paul
913. Holmes, Gordon
914. Horner, Johann Friedrich
915. Horsley, Victor
916. Horton, Bayard Taylor
917. Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey Newbold
918. Hun, Henry
919. Hunt, James Ramsay
920. Huntington, George
921. Inouye, Tatsuji
922. Itard, Jean-Marc Gaspard
923. Jackson, John Hughlings
924. Jakob, Alfons
925. James, William
926. Jendrassik, Erno
927. Jewell, James Stewart
928. Katz, Bernard
929. Keen, William Williams
930. Kenny, "Sister" Elizabeth
931. Kernig, Vladimir
932. Dejerine-Klumpke, Augusta
933. Korsakoff, Sergei
934. Kraepelin, Emil
935. Kuehne, Wilhelm (Willy) Friedrich
936. Lambert, Edward and Eaton, Lee
937. Langley, John Newport
938. Lasègue, Charles
939. Lashley, Karl
940. Lauterbur, Paul
941. Leão, Aristides
942. Lennox, William Gordon
943. Lewis, Morris J.
944. Lewy, Fritz
945. Lhermitte, Jean
946. Little, William John
948. Luria, Alexander Romanovich
949. Luys, Jules Bernard
950. MacEwen, William
951. Mach, Ernst
952. Magendie, François
953. Marie, Pierre
954. Marinescu, Georghe
955. Merritt, H. Houston (& Tracy Putnam)
956. Mesmer, Franz
957. Meynert, Theodor Hermann
958. Mills, Charles Karsner
959. Minot, George R. and Murphy, William P.
960. Mitchell, Silar Weir
961. Monakow, Constantin von
962. Monro, Alexander
963. Moro, Ernst
964. Mueller, Johannes
965. Nansen, Fridtjof
966. Newton, Isaac
967. Nissl, Franz
968. Onufrowicz (Onuf), Bronislav
969. Oppenheim, Hermann
970. Osler, William
971. Papez, James
972. Parkinson, James
973. Pasteur, Louis
974. Pavlov, Ivan
975. Penfield, Wilder
976. Pick, Arnold
977. Procháska, Georg (JiÅ™Ã)
978. Purkinje, Jan
979. Putnam, James Jackson
980. Quincke, Heinrich
981. Ramon y Cajal, Santiago
982. Recklinghausen, Friedrich Daniel von
983. Remak, Robert
984. Riddoch, George
985. Rodbell, Martin
986. Rolando, Luigi
987. Romberg, Moritz Heinrich
989. Rusk, Howard A.
990. Sabin, Albert
991. Sachs, Bernard
992. Salk, Jonas
993. Schwann, Theodor
994. Seguin, Edouard
1085. Seguin, Edward Constant
995. Sherrington, Charles Scott
996. Sperry, Roger
997. Spiller, William
998. Spitzka, Edward Charles
999. Spurzheim, Johann Gaspar
1000. Swedenborg, Emanuel
1001. Sydenham, Thomas
1002. Sylvius, Franciscus
1003. Takaki, Kanehiro
1004. Tinel, Jules
1005. Todd, Robert Bentley
1006. Van Gehuchten, Arthur
1007. Vesalius, Andreas
1009. Virchow, Rudolph
1010. Vogt, Cecile and Oskar
1011. von Békésy, Georg
1012. von Economo, Constantin
1013. von Euler, Ulf
1014. von Graefe, Albrecht
1016. von Soemmering, Samuel
1017. Wald, George
1018. Broadfoot Walker, Mary
1019. Wallenberg, Adolf
1020. Waller, Augustus Volney
1022. Wepfer, Johann Jakob
1023. Wernicke, Carl
1024. Westphal, Carl F. O.
1025. Whytt, Robert
1026. Willis, Thomas
1027. Wilson, Samuel Alexander Kinnier
1028. Young, Thomas
1029. Meniere, Prosper
1030. Taylor, John Madison
1108. Wilson’s disease, history of
1031. Anencephaly
1032. Brain Development, Normal Postnatal
1033. Breath-Holding Spells
1034. Central Nervous System, Malformations
1035. Cerebral Palsy
1036. Child Abuse, Head Injuries
1037. Child Neurology, History of
1038. Familial Dysautonomia
1039. Grasp Reflex
1040. Hemiatrophy
1041. Hypotonic Infant
1042. Kernicterus
1043. Leukoencephalopathy
1044. Megalencephaly
1045. Microcephaly
1046. Moro Reflex
1047. Munchausen by Proxy
1048. Nervous System, Neuroembryology of
1049. Neural Tube Defects
1050. Neurotrophins, Developmental
1051. Rett's Syndrome
1052. Reye's Syndrome
1053. Subacute Necrotizing Encephalomyelopathy
1054. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
1055. Turner Syndrome
1056. Menkes Disease
1057. Brain Trauma: ICU Management
1058. Management of Elevated ICP
313. Brain Death
1059. Ethical Issues
1060. Antianxiety Pharmacology
1061. Antidepressant Pharmacology
1062. Antipsychotic Pharmacology
1063. Psychotherapy
1064. dbs/tms/ect
1065. Risk Assessment
1066. Capacity and Consent
1067. Autism Spectrum Disorders
1068. Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy (CBT)
1069. Delusions
1070. Eating Disorders
1071. Personality Disorders
1072. Abnormal Illness Behaviors
1073. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
1074. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
1075. Schizophrenia/Psychosis
1076. Depression and Dysthymia
1077. Bipolar Disorder
1078. Substance Abuse
1079. Psychiatry Diagnosis
1080. Anxiety
1081. Phobias
1082. Panic
1083. Post-partum Depression and Psychosis
1086. Migraine, Genetics
1087. Migraine, Current Pathophysiology
1088. Migraine, Clinical Aspects, including epidemiology
1089. Migraine, Treatment- medical
1090. Migraine, Treatment- neurostimulation
1091. Migraine, Menstruation, pregnancy and lactation
1092. Migraine, Chronic, including medication overuse headache
1093. Migraine, Pediatric/Adolescent Aspects
1094. Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) - cluster headache
1095. Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) - paroxysmal hemicrania
1096. Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) - SUNCT/SUNA
1097. Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) - hemicrania continua
1098. Tension-type headache
1099. Primary Cough and Exertional headache
1100. Hypnic Headache
1101. Primary sex headache
1102. Primary Thunderclap Headache
1103. Neuroimaging in Headache Disorders
1104. Post-traumatic headache
1105. CSF pressure change headaches
1106. TMJ disorders and headache
1107. Cervicogenic headache
1111. Accessory Nerve (Cranial Nerve XI)
1112. Ageusia
1113. Amygdala
1114. Anterior Spinal Artery Occlusion
1115. Aqueduct of Sylvius
1116. Attentional Mechanisms
1117. Babinski Sign
1118. Basal Ganglia
1119. Basal Ganglia, Diseases of
1120. Betz Cells
1121. Brain Anatomy
1122. Brain Evolution, Human
1123. Brainstem Syndromes
1124. Broca's Area
1125. Brodmann's Areas
1126. Brown-Sequard's Syndrome
1127. Carotid Artery
1128. Cauda Equina
1129. Caudate Nucleus
1130. Central Nervous System, Overview
1131. Cerebellum
1132. Cerebral Cortex
1133. Cerebral Hemispheric Interactons
1134. Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea
1135. Circle of Willis
1136. Clonus
1137. Corpus Callosum
1138. Corpus Striatum
1139. Cortical Histogenesis
1140. Corticospinal/Corticobulbar Tracts
1141. Dandy-Walker Syndrome
1142. Dorsal Root Ganglion
1143. Dura Mater
1144. Dysarthria
1145. Emotion, Neural Mechanisms of
1146. Ependyma
1147. Executive Function
1148. Frontal Lobes
1149. Globus Pallidus
1150. Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia
1151. Hippocampus
1152. Hoffman's Sign
1153. Inferior Colliculus
1154. Intervertebral Disk
1155. Leptomeninges; Arachnoid and Pia
1156. Lhermitte's Symptom
1157. Limbic System
1158. Localization
1159. Lower Motor Neuron Lesions
1160. Medulla Oblongata
1161. Midbrain
1162. Motor Cortex
1163. Neglect Disorders
1164. Neurocardiogenic Syncope
1165. Nodes of Ranvier
1166. Occipital Lobe
1167. Olfactory Nerve (Cranial Nerve I)
1168. Paralysis
1169. Paraparesis and Paraplegia
1170. Paresis
1171. Parietal Lobe
1172. Pons
1173. Pontine Nuclei
1174. Quadriplegia
1175. Skull
1176. Spinal Cord Anatomy
1177. Spinal Roots
1178. Superior Colliculus
1179. Syringomyelia
1180. Temporal Lobe
1181. Thalamus
1182. Uncus
1183. Upper Motor Neuron Lesions
1184. Vertebrate Nervous System, Development of the
1185. Vestibular System
1186. Visual Pathways, Anatomy and Field Defects
1187. Vomiting Center
1189. Wernicke's Area
1190. White Matter
1191. Brain Tumors, Genetics
1192. Channelopathies, Genetics
1193. Down's Syndrome
1194. Genetic Testing, Molecular
1195. Hypomelanosis of Ito
1196. Incontinentia Pigmenti (IP)
1197. Migraine, Genetics of
1198. Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy, Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke (MELAS)
1199. Neurofibromatosis
1200. Neurogenetics, Overview
1201. Tay-Sachs Disease
1202. Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC)
1203. von Hippel-Lindau Disease
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-Publicaţii Callisto
-Cărţi noi
-- 2310,00 leiPRP: 2520,00 lei
- 115,50 lei
- 357,00 lei
-- 2310,00 leiPRP: 2520,00 lei
- 661,50 leiPRP: 735,00 lei
- 1260,00 leiPRP: 1575,00 lei