versiunea română

Electrical Diseases of the Heart, Genetics, Mechanisms, Treatment, Prevention

MRP: 945,00 lei
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Price: 425,25 lei
Difference: 519,75 lei
Availability: within the limits of available stock
ISBN: 978-1-84628-853-1
Publishing Year: 2013
Edition: 2
Pages: 608


Provides a perspective on primary (heritable) electrical disease of the heart and sudden cardiac death in cardiology, neurology, nephrology, endocrinology
Emphasizes clinical and basic aspects of the physiology and pathophysiology in conjunction with new clinical findings and research discoveries
Thought-provoking and enlightening emphases on the latest research and clinical accomplishments
Structure of chapters: exposure to the experimental background of each electrical disease, syndrome, and ECG phenomenon stressing the relationship with clinical practice
The past decade has witnessed an explosion of knowledge and radical changes in our understanding of the molecular, ionic, genetic, and pharmacologic basis of electrical diseases of the heart. Electrical diseases of the heart are heritable arrhythmogenic clinical entities that may share common clinical and genetic features, yet may be distinctly different in their genesis, prognosis, and management. Notably, both congenital and acquired electrical diseases of the heart are receiving increased recognition as a result of important advances in genetic analysis.

Electrical Diseases of the Heart is a thorough clinical reference on the current status of cardiac electrophysiological disease,emphasizing common and diverse clinical features. The latest developments in the field of experimental and clinical cardiac electrophysiology, genetics, pharmacology, and interventional therapies of various clinical arrhythmogenic entities are featured and discussed in terms of recent advances in basic and clinical science. Residents, fellows, and physicians in cardiology and electrophysiology will gain valuable insight into cardiac electrophysiology and clinical electrocardiology by reading this book, including expert review of the genetic and epidemiologic considerations, diagnostic and therapeutic modalities of the newly discovered clinical syndromes, and electrocardiographic phenomena, and their correlation with the most recent advances in the basic science.


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