Differential Diagnosis in Musculoskeletal MRI
The definitive guide to MRI for musculoskeletal abnormalities
Differential Diagnosis in Musculoskeletal MRI is a unique desk reference offering extensive descriptions of MRI findings that enable radiologists to more easily diagnose a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. The authors have placed the most essential content covering etiologic, clinical, and pathological aspects in tabular format to assist readers in quickly and efficiently obtaining the information they need.
- More than 2, 000 state-of-the-art images covering the features for both common and rare musculoskeletal conditions
- Authors provide a practical approach to MRI evaluation and differential diagnosis selection
- Differential diagnosis tables are based on anatomic locations of lesions
This practical reference is an invaluable tool that practicing radiologists, residents, and fellows will use to diagnose both common and rare lesions as well as other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. It is an excellent guide for use in daily practice as well as a comprehensive exam preparation tool.
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-- 992,25 leiMRP: 1102,50 lei
- 1512,00 leiMRP: 1680,00 lei
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