Cosmetic Surgery Art and Techniques

Part I History and Anatomy
History of Cosmetic Surgery...
Melvin A. Shiffman
Anatomy of the Face and Neck... Peter M. Prendergast
Anatomy of the Breast... Peter M. Prendergast
Anatomy of the Anterior Abdominal Wall
Peter M. Prendergast
Anatomy of the Eyelid... Oren G. Benyamini and Morris E. Hartstein
Part II Anesthesia
Regional Anesthesia for Cosmetic Surgery
of the Face and Neck... Arnaud Deleuze, Marc Gentili, and Francis Bonnet -
Liposuction with Local Tumescent Anesthesia and Microcannula Technique... Bernard I. Raskin and Shilesh Iyer
Tumescent Technique... Melvin A. Shiffman
Anesthesia for Aesthetic Surgery... Gary Dean Bennett
Part III Head and Neck
Facial Peels...
Niti Khunger
Facial Resurfacing with the Ultrapulse Laser... Bernard I. Raskin
... 3... 29... 47... 57... 69
... 79
... 87... 101... 105
... 147... 167
Capacitive Radiofrequency Skin Rejuvenation... 195 Manoj T. Abraham and Joseph J. Rousso
Mesotherapy in Aesthetic Medicine... 205 Maya Vedamurthy
Upper Blepharoplasty... 219 Morris E. Hartstein
Lower Blepharoplasty... 227 Morris E. Hartstein
Blepharoptosis: The Check Ligament Technique... 235 Antonio Stanizzi
Aesthetic Rhinoplasty Utilizing Various Techniques Depending
on the Abnormality... Fernando D. Burstein
Otoplasty... Cristina Isac, Aurelia Isac, Tiberiu I. Bratu, and Nicolae Antohi
Brow Lift... Shoib Allan Myint
Mid-Forehead Buttonhole Eyebrow Elevation... Harry Mittelman, Gregory J. Vipond, and Joshua D. Rosenberg
Facelift... Phillip R. Langsdon and Courtney Shires
Short-Scar Purse-String Facelift... Amir M. Karam, L. Mike Nayak, and Samuel M. Lam
Modified Facelift... Phillip R. Langsdon and Courtney Shires
Subperiosteal Face-Lift... Lucas G. Patrocinio, Tomas G. Patrocinio, Jose A. Patrocinio, and Marcell M. Naves
Suture Facelift Techniques... Peter M. Prendergast
Facial Implants... Bruce B. Chisholm
Fat Transfer to the Face... Melvin A. Shiffman
Facial Fillers... Peter M. Prendergast
Ultrasound-Assisted Lipoplasty: Basic Physics,
Tissue Interactions, and Related Results/Complications... William W. Cimino -
Facial Recontouring with Liposuction... Alberto Di Giuseppe and George Commons
... 249... 267... 289... 299... 311... 323... 329... 337
... 355... 393... 405... 415
... 451... 461
Chin, Cheek, and Neck Vaser Liposculpture... 467 Alberto Di Giuseppe, George Commons, and Alessandro Scalise
An Integrated Technique for Facial Rejuvenation:
Adaptation to a Changing Clinical Environment... 485 Moshe S. Fayman -
Hair Restoration... 517 Samuel M. Lam
Jowl and Neck Remodeling with Ultrasound-Assisted
Lipoplasty (VASER)... 539 Alberto Di Giuseppe and George Commons
Part IV Breast
Breast Augmentation... 555
Lina Valero De Pedroza
The Inverted Dual Plane Mastoplasty Technique... 571 Giovanni Di Benedetto, Luca Grassetti, Davide Talevi,
Daniele Bordoni, Manuela Bottoni, and Alessandro Scalise -
Remodeling Breast and Torso with Combined Fat
Liposuction and Grafts... 585 Alfredo Hoyos
Breast Augmentation and Reconstruction with Fat Transfer
Todd K. Malan
The Staple-First Technique for Simultaneous Augmentation Mastopexy for Moderately to Severely Ptotic Breasts... Ted S. Eisenberg
Circumareolar Nipple-Areola Complex Mastopexy
and Areolar Shifting... Robert A. Shumway -
Mastopexy/Breast Reduction with Short Inverted T Scar... Toma T. Mugea
The Medial and Superior Pedicle Mastopexy
with Dual Plane Inverted-T Augmentation... Tiberiu I. Bratu, Cristina Isac, Olariu Daniela, Grujic Daciana, Dorina Mihaijlovic, and Nicolae Antohi -
Breast Augmentation and Mastopexy... Toma T. Mugea
Periareolar Mammaplasty for the Treatment
of Massive Gynecomastia with Breast Ptosis... Marco Túlio Rodrigues da Cunha -
Reduction Mammoplasty: “The Piece of Art”... Fahmy S. Fahmy and Mohamed Ahmed Amin Saleh
... 595
... 605
... 621... 633
... 705
... 715
... 747... 755
The Moufarrege Total Posterior Pedicle Mammaplasty... 775 Richard Moufarrege and Elia Botros
Mastopexy with Chest-Wall-Based Flap
and Pectoralis Muscle Loop... 791 Ruth Maria Graf, André Ricardo Dall’Oglio Tolazzi,
and Maria Cecília Closs Ono -
Hypertrophic Tubular Breast Reduction:
Surgical Technique with New Inframammary Fold Level... 805 Toma T. Mugea -
Breast Reduction with Vaser... 857 Alberto Di Giuseppe, Michael Nagy, Mario Scaglioni,
and Elisabetta Petrucci -
Gynecomastia: Scarless Male Breast Reduction with Vaser... 871 Alberto Di Giuseppe, Antonella Belligolli, Marina Pierangeli,
Davide Talevi, and Luca Grassetti
Part V Abdomen
Abdominoplasty: Aesthetics of the Anterior
Abdominal Wall... 887 Fahmy S. Fahmy and Mohamed Ahmed Amin Saleh -
Circular Lipectomy with Lateral Thigh–Buttock Lift... 907 Héctor J. Morales Gracia
The Horseshoe Abdominoplasty... 925 Richard Moufarrege and Elia Botros
Mini-Abdominoplasty... 939 Bruce A. Mast
Ultrasound-Assisted Abdominal Liposuction... 949 Peter M. Prendergast
Part VI Extremities and Buttocks
Brachioplasty... 973 Sumeet N. Makhijani, Alain Polynice, Jerome D. Chao,
and James G. Hoehn -
Circumferential Para-Axillary Superficial
Tumescent (CAST) Liposuction for Upper Arm Contouring... 981 Andrew T. Lyos -
Thigh Lift... 993 Sadri Ozan Sozer and Francisco J. Agullo
Buttock Lift... 1001 Sadri Ozan Sozer and Francisco J. Agullo
Liposuction of Lower Extremities and Buttocks... 1011 Alberto Di Giuseppe, Guido Zannetti, and Daniele Bordoni
Buttock and Hip Enhancement with Implants... 1043 Jesus Benito-Ruiz
Liposculpture and Buttock Augmentation with Fat Grafting... 1063 Arturo Grau
Large Volume Fat Transplant to Buttocks and Legs
for Enhancement and Reconstruction... Lina Valero De Pedroza -
Treatment of Venous Insufficiency with Sclerotherapy... Alessandro Frullini
Part VII Miscellaneous
Cristina Isac, Aurelia Isac, Nicolae Antohi, and Tiberiu I. Bratu
Total Body Lift After Extreme Weight Loss... Dennis J. Hurwitz
Penile Enhancement... Hassan Abbas Khawaja and Melvin A. Shiffman
Complications of Cosmetic Surgery... Melvin A. Shiffman
... 1087... 1093
... 1101... 1111... 1127... 1135
... 1185
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