Contact Dermatitis
Fast access to information through core messages and ‘case reports’ Dictionary of contact allergens with chemical structures, sources and references Chapters on emerging topics in the field Combination of general overview and very detailed information
The fifth edition of Contact Dermatitis covers in detail every conceivable aspect of irritant and allergic contact dermatitis and its modern-day management. Special emphasis is given to immunological mechanisms, molecular aspects of sensitizers, atypical clinical forms, reactions to medicaments, and occupational and environmental factors. In order to optimize the diagnostic approach, a wide range of information is provided, including a dictionary of contact allergens. Retained chapters from the previous edition have been thoroughly revised to reflect the latest knowledge. Furthermore, completely new chapters have been added on a variety of topics, including genetics, the role of the skin barrier, the link between respiratory symptoms triggered by chemicals and contact dermatitis, and prevention. The editors and authors are all leading practitioners in the field. The comprehensive but approachable text is supplemented by a large number of full color illustrations and tables. Core messages highlight the most important information and will help the reader to gain a better understanding of the subject and greater competence in everyday practice.
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