versiunea română

Comprehensive Textbook on Vitiligo

Price: 315,00 lei
Availability: upon order
ISBN: 9780367543723
Publishing Year: 2021
Pages: 316
Dimensions: soft cover


Vitiligo is a disorder having a significant impact in dark skinned individuals. Along with the historical, cultural and psychological aspects of the disease the multifactorial pathogenesis of this disorder is discussed in detail with special emphasis on the newer hypothesis proposed in the causation. Descriptive note of the clinical aspects of the disease is supplemented with clinical photographs covering the latest therapeutic and surgical treatment options. Non-conventional treatments like cosmetic camouflage and tattooing are also discussed. Topics of controversy such as role of diet, patient selection for surgery, etc. are covered in depth.

  • Discusses the recent advances in treatment
  • Evidence based approach
  • Quality of life and psychological aspects covered
  • Non-conventional treatment options included with practical tips in vitiligo surgery
  • Controversial topics covered


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