versiunea română

Color Atlas Of Veterinary Anatomy, Volume 3, The Dog And Cat

Price: 451,50 lei
Availability: in stock
ISBN: 9780723434153
Publishing Year: 2009
Edition: 2
Pages: 540 pp, 1560 ills


If you are looking for a book that presents a unique photographic record of dissections showing the topographical anatomy of the dog and cat: this is the atlas for you! Part of a comprehensive 3-volume set that also covers Ruminants (Volume 1) and The Horse (Volume 2), the Color Atlas of the Dog and Cat takes a complete look at virtually every aspect of veterinary anatomy. With this book you will be able to see the position and relationships of bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and viscera that go to make up each region of the body and each organ system. Rich with full-color photographs and drawings of dissections prepared specifically for these texts, each book in the series illustrates regional surface features photographed before dissection, then gives high-quality complementary photographs of articulated skeletons.

* Accessibly and systematically structured with each chapter is devoted to a specific body region
* Important features of regional and topographical anatomy presented in full color photos of detailed dissections
* Detailed color line drawings clarify the relationships of relevant structures
* Website offers drag and drop quizzes and the chance to test yourself with mcqs
* Informative captions give additional information necessary for proper interpretation of the images
* Presents anatomy in a clinical context
See more books: Veterinary, Anatomy


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