Clinical Trials
Preț: 346,50 lei
Disponibilitate: la comandă
Autor: Pawlik, Timothy M., Sosa, Julie A. (Eds.)
ISBN: 978-3-030-35487-9
Editura: Springer Nature
Anul publicarii: 2020
Ediția: 2
Pagini: 258
This extensively revised second edition is a unique and portable handbook focusing on clinical trials in surgery. It includes new educational materials addressing the rapid evolution of novel research methodologies in basic science, clinical and educational research. The underlying principles of clinical trials, trial design, the development of a study cohort, statistics, data safety, data monitoring, and trial publication for device and drug trials are also discussed.
Clinical Trials provides a comprehensive resource on clinical trials in surgery and describes all the stages of a clinical trial from generating a hypothesis through to trial publication and is a valuable resource for all practicing and trainee academic surgeons.
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