versiunea română

Clinical Cases in Hepatology

Price: 840,00 lei
Availability: upon order - 7-14 zile
ISBN: 978-1-4471-4714-5
Publishing Year: 2022
Pages: 497


  • Features case presentations of how to appropriately approach treating patients with liver disease

  • Describes the epidemiological characteristics of a variety of liver diseases

  • Details techniques for interpreting experimental data and techniques for conducting clinical trials

This book provides a comprehensive resource for clinical hepatology. It details the systematic approach to patients with liver disease in outpatient and inpatient medical settings. A variety of case studies in hepatology including chronic viral hepatitis, and metabolic, autoimmune, and alcohol related liver disease are presented. The book enables the reader to develop a thorough understanding of the clinical presentation, natural history, epidemiology, genetics, and therapeutic options for the liver diseases that clinicians must recognize and manage from the first encounter with the patient through the years of follow up.

Clinical Cases in Hepatology systematically describes the approach to a patient with liver disease and is a valuable source for all medical professionals and trainees who care for these patients or are seeking a detailed reference guide to developing their knowledge in the rapidly expanding field of hepatology.


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