Braun-Falco´s Dermatology
1795,50 lei
MRP: 1995,00 lei
versiunea română

Braun-Falco´s Dermatology

MRP: 1995,00 lei
This is the Manufacturer's Recommended Price. The selling price of the product is displayed below.
Price: 1795,50 lei
Difference: 199,50 lei
Availability: upon order - 7-14 zile
ISBN: 9783662637081
Publishing Year: 2022
Edition: 4
Pages: 2267


The standard textbook of Dermatology and Allergy in new edition!

The 4th edition of the "Braun-Falco Textbook", an international standard text of dermatology, allergy and sexually transmitted disorders has been thoroughly rewritten and reedited and offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of the entire field for clinicians in hospital and private practice.

The editors assembled an expert team of authors with outstanding international reputation who present a concise overview of the complete spectrum of dermatology and its groundbreaking progress with particular emphasis on aspects of practical care within the specialty.

The treatment recommendations are based on current international guidelines and standards of care, and pay special attention to latest therapeutic progress as well as recent pathophysiological concepts.

A special emphasis has been put on a unique array of high quality figures and a clear, easily understandable structure of the respective chapters. Besides the printed version, the new edition is available as a digital version.

New aspects of the 4th edition that reflect the tremendous and rapid progress of dermatology include an up to date clinical classification of dermatoses, current guidelines and therapeutic concepts in inflammatory and neoplastic diseases, and dermatological aspects of the new Covid-19 infection. 

“Braun-Falco`s Dermatology” is a must for specialists and trainees in dermatology, and of great value for all physicians who encounter skin diseases in general.




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