versiunea română

Brain Tumors, An Encyclopedic Approach, Expert Consult - Online and Print

Price: 1050,00 lei
Availability: discontinued
ISBN: 9780443069673
Publishing Year: 2012
Edition: 3
Pages: 1088



1 Historical perspective 1

2 Stem cells and progenitor cell lineages in the central nervous system 6

3 Classification and pathogenesis of brain tumors 36

4 Epidemiology of brain tumors 59

5 Neurogenetics and the molecular biology of human brain tumors 83

6 Biologic therapy for malignant glioma 102

7 Gene therapy for human brain tumors 114

8 Immunology of brain tumors and implications for immunotherapy 125

9 Histopathology of brain tumors 138

10 Advanced imaging of brain tumors 188

11 Neuro-ophthalmology of brain tumors 214

12 Epilepsy associated with brain tumors 237

13 Anesthesia and intensive care management of patients with brain tumors 249

14 Surgical principles in the management of brain tumors 282

15 Radiosurgery and radiotherapy for brain tumors 296

16 Clinical trials and chemotherapy 306

17 Mouse models for brain tumor therapy 316

18 Management of brain tumors in the pediatric patient 329

19 Management of recurrent gliomas and meningiomas 347

20 Low-grade astrocytomas 372

21 Glioblastoma and malignant astrocytoma 384

22 Oligodendroglioma 408

23 Brainstem tumors 424

24 Intracranial ependymomas 435

25 Choroid plexus tumors 450

26 Uncommon glial tumors 462

27 Medulloblastoma and primitive neuroectodermal tumors 503

28 Acoustic neurinoma (vestibular schwannoma) 518

29 Other schwannomas of cranial nerves 570

30 Brain tumors associated with neurofibromatosis 588

31 Meningiomas 600

32 Meningeal hemangiopericytomas 630

33 Meningeal sarcomas 638

34 Pineal cell and germ cell tumors 646

35 Non-functional pituitary tumors 672

36 Diagnostic considerations and surgical results for hyperfunctioning pituitary adenomas 692

37 Chordomas and chondrosarcomas of the skull base 723

38 Glomus jugulare tumors 743

39 Carcinoma of the paranasal sinuses 750

40 Esthesioneuroblastoma: management and outcome 767

41 Primary central nervous system lymphoma 779

42 Craniopharyngiomas 807

43 Dermoid, epidermoid, and neurenteric cysts 831

44 Colloid cysts 849

45 Metastatic brain tumors 864

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