Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination
Preț: 462,00 lei
Disponibilitate: la comandă
Autor: Lynn S. Bickley MD, FACP
ISBN: 9781469855127
Editura: Lippincott Williams Wilkins
Anul publicarii: 2020
Format: access card
Carefully scripted and reviewed by clinical experts and educators including Dr. Lynn S. Bickley, author of Bates’ Guide to PhysicalExamination and History Taking , the site presents a step-by-step approach to patient, current examination techniques, and normal and abnormal findings.
• More than 7 hours of head-to-toe and systems-based videofootage features standardized patients that represent variousage groups, backgrounds, and conditions.
• Accessibility via the web allows you to prepare for class orreview material prior to exams from current browsers,devices, or locations with an internet connection.
• Convenient site functionality includes keyword search forquick access to content, ability to email a clip, and PDFtranscripts to use as reference or handouts.
• When paired with the parent and/or pocket text (in print or digital formats), Bates’ Visual Guide serves as a complete assessment learning solution for students in medical, nursing, and related programs.
• The 12-month subscription is ideal for assessment or introduction to clinical medicine courses and can be activated on the Bates Visual Guide site.
• More than 7 hours of head-to-toe and systems-based videofootage features standardized patients that represent variousage groups, backgrounds, and conditions.
• Accessibility via the web allows you to prepare for class orreview material prior to exams from current browsers,devices, or locations with an internet connection.
• Convenient site functionality includes keyword search forquick access to content, ability to email a clip, and PDFtranscripts to use as reference or handouts.
• When paired with the parent and/or pocket text (in print or digital formats), Bates’ Visual Guide serves as a complete assessment learning solution for students in medical, nursing, and related programs.
• The 12-month subscription is ideal for assessment or introduction to clinical medicine courses and can be activated on the Bates Visual Guide site.
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-- 245,70 leiPRP: 273,00 lei
- 462,00 leiPRP: 504,00 lei
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-- 245,70 leiPRP: 273,00 lei
- 462,00 leiPRP: 504,00 lei
- 472,50 leiPRP: 525,00 lei