versiunea română

Bassett's Environmental Health Procedures

Price: 777,00 lei
Availability: upon order
ISBN: 9780367183288
Publishing Year: 2019
Edition: 9
Pages: 690


Environmental health law is a wide-ranging, detailed and complex body of law within the UK. Bassett’s Environmental Health Procedures is an established and essential reference source which provides an accessible entry into enforcement and administrative procedures for environmental health. The main legal procedures used in the environmental health field are presented as flow charts supported by explanatory text.

This ninth edition refines the structure introduced in the eighth edition, with each chapter addressing a single topic. It has introduced the titles of the corresponding legislation in Scotland and Northern Ireland where there is such legislation. The book has been updated throughout to reflect new practices, legislation and statutory guidance. Specifically, the ninth edition contains new content on antisocial behaviour and significant updates to sections on:

  • Enforcement and administration
  • Environmental protection
  • Food safety
  • Housing
  • Public health.


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