versiunea română

Autism 360°

Price: 913,50 lei
Availability: upon order
ISBN: 9780128184660
Publishing Year: 2020
Pages: 554


Autism 360 uses a hybrid and transdisciplinary methodology to identify mechanisms on how autism is prevented, diagnosed, treated and managed within personal and social constructs around the world. Adopting a lifespan approach, the book discusses lifestyle challenges and emphasizes issues relating to neurodiversity, individuality, best practices, and support of both people on the spectrum and their families. This book will help change population and individual attitudes and behaviors regarding autism. Its ultimate goal is to empower readers to become both agents of change and an integral part of the solution.

  • Covers topics from the prevention and treatment of autism and how to live with it
  • Adopts an integrated methods approach
  • Features field experiences
  • Provides valuable syntheses of scattered material
  • Compares cross-cultural learnings
  • Discusses the education and employment of those with autism


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