versiunea română

Alternative Medicine Interventions for COVID-19

Price: 819,00 lei
Availability: upon order
ISBN: 978-3-030-67988-0
Publishing Year: 2021
Pages: 284
Category: VIROLOGY


Comprehensive, first-of-its kind summary of alternative, complementary, and pharmaceutical therapies for COVID-19Vital resource for scientists in research and industry as well as cliniciansCutting-edge, critical assessment of a variety of treatment and prevention methods

This research volume examines the available alternative, complementary, pharmaceutical and vaccine methods for treating, mitigating, or preventing COVID-19. Coverage includes traditional Chinese medicine, herbal remedies, nutraceutical/dietary options, and drug/vaccine therapies. All the methods discussed will be critically examined to provide readers with a full, unbiased overview that includes pros/cons of each method. While the nature of COVID-19 is still being studied, and new research and theories are being published daily, this book endeavors to provide readers with a comprehensive summary of current research on alternative and mainstream treatment and prevention methods. 


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