Advances in Surgical Pathology: Endometrial Carcinoma
Price: 493,50 lei
Availability: in supplier's stock
Author: Anna Sienko MD
ISBN: 9781609131784
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Publishing Year: 2012
Pages: 304
This Endometrial Cancer volume of the Advances in Surgical Pathology series is a concise, updated review of the pathological characteristics of endometrial cancer. It emphasizes the histologic correlation, the clinical management, and the treatment of endometrial cancer. It features current and emerging concepts in the field of endometrial cancer, a disease whose management requires a multidisciplinary approach in which pathology plays a key role. The fundamental issues surrounding endometrial cancer, including its epidemiology, basic diagnostic features, differential diagnoses, pitfalls and complications, and treatments are thoroughly addressed. Finally, the book includes current knowledge regarding the molecular alteration of endometrial cancer carcinogenesis and its impact on patient care.
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