english version

Abrams Angiography Interventional Radiology

Preț: 1785,00 lei
Disponibilitate: în stoc la furnizor
ISBN: 9781609137922
Anul publicarii: 2014
Ediția: 3
Pagini: 1240


The Interventional Radiology volume of the landmark reference Abrams' Angiography has now been expanded and thoroughly revised to reflect dynamic advances in interventional radiology. More than 60 contributors representing a "Who's Who" of the specialty provide comprehensive, step-by-step coverage of all contemporary vascular and nonvascular interventional procedures. Major sections discuss today's equipment and describe interventions for specific disorders of each organ system, as well as for trauma, pediatric diseases, abscess drainage, and miscellaneous disorders. More than 1, 100 illustrations complement the text. This edition incorporates an extensive new section on interventional oncologic procedures. The section covers all organ-specific cancers for which interventional therapies are used. Other sections include artervenous malformations, liver diseases, arterial occlusive disease, aneurysms, traumatic arterial injuries, hemorrhage, and venous diseases. It also has full color and an accompanying online site to access the content anytime. Contributors Preface Section I: ONCOLOGY 1. Evaluation of the Cancer Patient Reshma A. Rangwala, Anjali N. Avadhani, and Weijing Sun 2. Principles of Chemotherapy Lisa A. Thompson, Cindy L. O’Bryant, Jessica H. Duman, and Wells A. Messersmith 3. Principles of Locoregional Therapy: Intra-Arterial Therapies Eleni Liapi and Jean-François H. Geschwind 4. Principles of Locoregional Therapy: Thermoablative Techniques Muneeb Ahmed and S. Nahum Goldberg Part A Organ Specific Cancers Hepatocellular Carcinoma 5. Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Epidemiology, Staging, and Medical Management Robert E. Roses and Jean-Nicolas Vauthey 6. Surgical Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Resection and Transplantation Janivette Alsina and Timothy M. Pawlik 7. Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Ablative Therapies, Intra-Arterial Therapies Riccardo Lencioni, Eleni Liapi, and Jean-François H. Geschwind Colorectal Metastases 8. Colorectal Metastases: Medical Management Mary F. Mulcahy 9. Colorectal Metastases: Surgical Management Mark G. van Vledder and Michael A. Choti 10. Colorectal Metastases: Ablative Techniques Luigi A. Solbiati 11. Colorectal Metastases: Intra-Arterial Therapies (Chemoembolization/Radioembolization) and Portal Vein Embolization Khairuddin Memon, Ahsun Riaz, David C. Madoff, Robert J. Lewandowski, and Riad Salem Neuroendocrine Tumors 12. Neuroendocrine Tumors: Medical and Surgical Management Peter D. Peng, David Cosgrove, and Timothy M. Pawlik 13. Interventional Oncology in the Management of Neuroendocrine Tumor Metastases Terence P. Gade and Michael C. Soulen Biliary Tract Cancers 14. Biliary Tract Cancers: Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Kelvin Hong 15. Biliary Tract Cancers: Extrahepatic Management Tarun Sabharwal and Andreas Adam Renal Cell Carcinoma 16. Renal Cell Carcinoma: Medical, Surgical, and Image-Guided Therapies Ronald Rodriguez and Christos Georgiades Lung Cancer 17. Lung Cancer: Epidemiology, Staging and Medical Therapy 186 Marjorie G. Zauderer, Alexander D. Drilon, and Lee M. Krug 18. Ablation of Primary and Secondary Lung Cancers Bradley B. Pua and Stephen B. Solomon Bone/Musculoskeletal Tumors 19. Bone/Musculoskeletal Tumors: Painful Metastases A. Nicholas Kurup and Matthew R. Callstrom Part B Specialized Interventional Techniques in Cancer Care 20. Vascular Access: Venous and Arterial Ports Thierry de Baère and Eric Desruennes 21. Palliative Care and Symptom Management Sean M. Marks, Drew A. Rosielle, and William S. Rilling Section II: GYNECOLOGY AND MALE FERTILITY 22. Management Options for Uterine Fibroids Justin S. Lee and James B. Spies 23. Uterine Artery Embolization: Indications and Imaging Howard B. Chrisman, Sabeen Dhand, and Robert L. Vogelzang 24. Uterine Artery Embolization for Symptomatic Fibroids: Clinical Presentation, Techniques, and Management Douglas B. Yim, Darren D. Kies, and Hyun S. Kim 25. Uterine Artery Embolization: Outcome from Therapy James B. Spies 26. Pelvic Congestion Syndrome R. Torrance Andrews 27. Postpartum Pelvic Hemorrhage Khashayar Farsad and John A. Kaufman 28. Varicocele Andrew S. Akman, Ali Albayati, and Anthony C. Venbrux Section III: VASCULAR ANOMALIES: HEMANGIOMAS AND VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS 29. Classification/Terminology Aylin Tekes and Sally E. Mitchell 30. Medical and Surgical Management Katherine B. Puttgen, Richard J. Redett, and Sally E. Mitchell 31. Interventional Techniques Steven L. Hsu, Clifford R. Weiss, and Sally E. Mitchell Section IV: LIVER DISEASES 32. Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts Ziv J. Haskal and Bertrand Janne d’Othée 33. Transjugular Liver Biopsy Steven J. Krohmer and Nik Bhagat 34. Retrograde Balloon Occlusion Variceal Ablation Keigo Osuga, Hiro Kiyosue, and Hiroshi Anai Section V: ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE 35. Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Natural History of Atherosclerotic Peripheral Vascular Disease Todd S. Perlstein and Mark A. Creager Part A Diagnostic Noninvasive Evaluations 36. Diagnostic Noninvasive Evaluations: Ultrasound and Hemodynamic Studies Ido Weinberg and Michael R. Jaff 37. Diagnostic Noninvasive Evaluations: CT Jonathan K. West, Patrick T. Norton, and Klaus D. Hagspiel 38. Diagnostic Noninvasive Evaluations: MRI Moazzem Kazi and Martin R. Prince 39. Diagnostic Catheter-Based Evaluations John H. Rundback, Daniel Anghelescu, and Robert A. Lookstein 40. Medical Management of Peripheral Artery Disease Neil J. Wimmer and Joshua A. Beckman Part B Endovascular Therapies 41. Endovascular Interventions: Upper Extremity Stephen T. Kee and John M. Moriarty 42. Endovascular Therapies: Proximal Great Vessels Andrew S. Ferrell and Tony P. Smith 43. Endovascular Therapies: Carotid Bifurcation William A. Gray 44. Diagnosis and Management of Mesenteric Ischemia James R. Stone, Ulku Cenk Turba, Saher S. Sabri, Wael E. Saad, John F. Angle, and Alan H. Matsumoto 45. Endovascular Therapies: Renal Louis G. Martin 46. Endovascular Therapies: Aortoiliac Sun Ho Ahn and Timothy P. Murphy 47. Endovascular Therapies: Femoropopliteal Gary M. Ansel and John A. Phillips 48. Endovascular Therapies: Tibial/Pedal Thomas Zeller, Aljoscha Rastan, and Andrej Schmidt 49. Endovascular Management of Multilevel Lower Extremity Disease Amardeep Johar and Bob R. Smouse 50. Management of Acute Thromboembolic Events in Lower Extremity Interventions Mahmood K. Razavi Section VI: VASCULITIDES 51. Classification, Diagnosis, Natural History, and Medical Management of Vaculitides Kenneth J. Warrington, Tanaz A. Kermani, and Thom W. Rooke 52. Endovascular Management of Vaculitides Andrew Holden, Sanjiv Sharma, Brendan Buckley, Brigid N. Connor, and Priya Jagia Section VII: ARTERIOPATHIES 53. Diagnosis and Role of Interventional Techniques Ryan M. Hickey and Albert A. Nemcek, Jr. Section VIII: ANEURYSMAL DISEASE 54. Diagnostic Noninvasive Evaluations: CT Richard L. Hallett and Dominik D. Fleischmann 55. Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Aorta Phillip M. Young and Robert J. Herfkens 56. Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms. 665 Joshua D. Adams and Alan H. Matsumoto 57. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Dai Yamanouchi and Jon S. Matsumura 58. Thoracoabdominal Aneurysms Tara M. Mastracci and Roy K. Greenberg 59. Renal Aneurysms Ulku Cenk Turba, Onur Sildiroglu, Leanne Doré Lessley, Michael D. Dake, and Alan H. Matsumoto 60. Mesenteric Aneurysms Sebastian Kos, David M. Liu, and Augustinus L. Jacob 61. Iliac Artery Aneurysms Adnan Z. Rizvi and Andrew H. Cragg 62. Popliteal Artery Aneurysms Heiko Uthoff and Barry T. Katzen Section IX: OTHER AORTIC DISEASES AND ENDOVASCULAR MANAGEMENT 63. Aortic Dissection: Classification, Imaging Evaluation, Indications for Intervention Matthew D. Forrester and Michael D. Dake 64. Aortic Dissection: Principles of Endovascular Treatment David M. Williams, Himanshu J. Patel, and G. Michael Deeb 65. Acute Intramural Hematoma Cynthia E. Wagner and John F. Angle 66. Penetrating Atheromatous Aortic Ulcer: Diagnosis and Management Robert A. Lookstein, Kevin Herman, and John H. Rundback 67. Aortic Connective Tissue Disorders Chase R. Brown and Roy K. Greenberg 68. Aortic Inflammatory Disease (Mycotic Lesions, Fistulas, Anastomotic Disruptions) Saher S. Sabri and Margaret Clarke Tracci Section X: TRAUMATIC ARTERIAL INJURIES 69. Aortic Injuries Naveed U. Saqib, Rabih A. Chaer, and Michel S. Makaroun 70. Traumatic Arterial Injuries: Arch Vessels John R. Gaughen, Jr. and Mary E. Jensen 71. Abdominal Trauma Kei Yamada, Shaun Loh, and David M. Hovsepian 72. Angiographic Management of Hemorrhage in Pelvic Fractures Khashayar Farsad, John A. Kaufman, and Arthur C. Waltman 73. Peripheral Trauma Rehan Hussain, Shawn Sarin, and Anthony C. Venbrux Section XI: HEMORRHAGE 74. Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage Frederick S. Keller and Josef Rösch 75. Renal Hemorrhage Siddharth A. Padia and Karim Valji 76. Nasopharyngeal Hemorrhage Ricardo D. Garcia-Monaco Section XII: EMBOLOGENIC ARTERIAL LESIONS 77. Aortic Sources of Emboli Andrew D. McBride, Ripal Gandhi, Heiko Uthoff, and James F. Benenati 78. Peripheral Sources of Distal Embolic Disease Francisco J. Contreras and Alex Powell Section XIII: TRANSPLANT-RELATED VASCULAR DISEASES 79. Vascular Complications after Solid Organ Transplantation: Part 1: Liver Transplantation Wael E. Saad 80. Vascular Complications after Solid Organ Transplantation: Part 2: Renal and Pancreatic Transplantation Wael E. Saad Section XIV: ARTERIAL ACCESS CLOSURE 81. Device-Mediated Access Closure: Indications, Techniques, and Complications David Lee Section XV: VENOUS DISEASE AND ENDOVASCULAR MANAGEMENT Part A Thrombo-Embolic Obstruction 82. Acute Lower Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis: Classification, Imaging Evaluation, Indications for Intervention Haraldur Bjarnason, Phillip M. Young, and James C. McEachen 83. Acute Lower Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis: Technical Strategies and the Roles of Regional Thrombolytic Infusions, Mechanical Thrombectomy, and Other Catheter-Based Therapies Suresh Vedantham 84. Pulmonary Embolism: IVC Filters—Indications and Technical Considerations Matthew S. Johnson, Francis E. Marshalleck, and Christian N. Johnson 85. Endovascular Therapy for Acute Pulmonary Embolism William T. Kuo 86. Chronic Lower Extremity Veno-Occlusive Disease: Medical Management and Interventional Strategies Gloria L. Hwang 87. Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis: Diagnosis, Natural History, and Interventional Strategies Ramona Gupta and Robert K. Ryu Part B Dialysis Access Disease 88. End-Stage Renal Disease and Dialysis Access: Epidemiology, Natural History, and Diagnostic Monitoring Bart L. Dolmatch, Miguel A. Vazquez, and Ingemar J. Davidson 89. Interventional Management Strategies for the Failing or Failed Dialysis Access Mark Otto Baerlocher and Anne C. Roberts Part C Vena Cava Obstruction 90. Superior Vena Cava—Malignant Lesions Narendra B. Gutta and Stephen B. Solomon 91. Benign Disease of the Superior Vena Cava and Innominate Veins Andrew Misselt and Jafar Golzarian 92. Inferior Vena Cava Obstruction Kenneth J. Kolbeck and John A. Kaufman Part D Venous Entrapment Conditions 93. Venous Compression Syndromes Daniel Y. Sze Part E Budd-Chiari Lesions 94. Budd-Chiari Lesions Robert K. Kerlan, Jr. and Jeanne M. LaBerge Part F Varicose Veins 95. Pathophysiologic Basis and Hemodynamic Effects Bertrand Janne d’Othée and Ziv J. Haskal 96. Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Varicose Veins: Imaging Evaluation and Indications for Intervention Bertrand Janne d’Othée and Ziv J. Haskal 97. Technical Strategies and Management of Varicose Veins Michael Darcy Section XVI: PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPIES 98. Anticoagulation in Endovascular and Interventional Procedures Bradley B. Pua and David W. Trost 99. Principles of Thrombolytic Agents for Catheter-Directed Therapy Charles P. Semba 100. Antirestenosis Agents and Attempts to Limit Intimal Hyperplasia Lindsay Machan Index


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